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Friday, September 6, 2024

Return to Office - A (Very) Late Sequel to "From Claire to Pipsqueak"


Return to Office – A (Very) Late Sequel to “From Claire to Pipsqueak”

Author’s Note:  Though this story takes place in the same Nimbletail ComPet Universe as the Sue Sharp stories, it’s a bit more mean-spirited in its tone and subject-matter than what I normally do.  If that concerns you, please steer clear, otherwise enjoy. 


            Rick had kept his promise.  

            Not even a full two hours after the judge had declared her a service animal for life, Claire was strapped down to a cold, metal operating table under a hot, bright light at a Federal Bureau of Pettification (FBP) licensed Human-Veterinarian (HuVet).  Her pathetic whimpers and pleading eyes were ignored by the doctor and the techs.  To them she was just a thing to be altered, like a garment or piece of furniture, not a young woman with feelings, thoughts, and ambitions.     

            What she would later realize was a month later; Claire awoke alone in a small concrete pen.  To her surprise, she wasn’t wearing her embarrassing and confining pet gear, but she was by no means free.  Her body itself had become the prison.  Through experimentation, Claire found that she could no longer stand up without becoming dizzy and falling over into an undignified heap.  Her hands, while still having feeling, just hung there, limp.  Even a simple door knob would be impossible for her to manipulate.  She could no longer speak—her vocal chords having been altered in some way which limited her to making dumb doggy sounds. 

            Then there was the drool. 

            She found herself drooling uncontrollably from both her mouth and her unusually swollen slit.  Her teeth felt funny too.  They were somehow smoother and straighter than she remembered, but the difference was negligible in light of all the horrible things they had done to her. 

            She didn’t cry. 

            Unable to process her new reality, Claire was numb to her predicament, and she had little time to dwell on it anyway as vet tech came in to “dress” her soon after she had awoken.  Claire didn’t struggle as her hands and feet were confined again in soft, padded, reddish paw mittens and booties.  If anything, not having to see her useless hands made things easier.  Claire did give a start when the tech returned the heart-shaped pads over her nipples, the tail plug and the attached c-string that covered her pussy.  She felt an incredible tingling and warmth from the slightest touches in those areas.  Claire couldn’t help but squirm and whine a bit in response, causing the tech to coo at her as if she really were a dog. 

            When the clip-on-ears were returned to the top of her head, the tech reactivated the petsitter system embedded in the various parts of Claire’s pet gear.  She heard the familiar robotic voice inside of her head announcing the startup program.  When the petsitter tested the “reward” component, the combined vibrations of the nipple pads, the tail plug and the c-string made the small, redheaded puppy girl visibly jump.  She was positively panting after just a few seconds of stimulation.  She howled just as much when it tested the “correction” component and she was shocked in all the same areas.  With her head spinning from the confusing, contradictory sensations still wracking her body, Claire was led out of the recovery pen at the end of a leash.    

            Out in the hallway, Rick Porter, her former boss and current owner, was waiting.  Tall, dark haired, olive skinned and still just as handsome as ever, he was wearing an expensive suit and casually looking at his phone, an activity which barely masked his palpable anticipation.  Claire had never seen the son-of-a-bitch look so excited.  Still, he didn’t even do more than casually glance at her before turning his attention to the “doctor.”  They ignored her completely while they shook hands and Rick congratulated the doctor for his “outstanding job.” 

            The doctor smiled and looked down at her.  Suddenly Claire wished they would have gone back to ignoring her.  “I’m glad you like my work.  Pipsqueak doesn’t seem so sure about it though!”

            Both men laughed and Claire grimaced.  Pipsqueak…it wasn’t just a temporary puppy girl name anymore.  It was what she would be called for the rest of her miserable life. 

            Rick took a hand mirror from a nearby counter and said, “Ah, she can’t appreciate what she hasn’t seen!”

            He knelt down and held the mirror so that Claire could see her pitiful reflection.  Claire knew that she should have looked away or closed her eyes, but her curiosity overwhelmed her good judgment.  The numbness broke away like an icy stream during the spring thaw.  Tears sprang to her eyes as she sobbed.      

            She had a circle around her left eye and a spot on the tip of her nose.  It was tattooed in bold, black ink making her look like a cartoon caricature of a dog.

            Rick had kept his promise.       


            Claire’s eyes were puffy from crying in the confines of her little carrier.  She didn’t want Rick to know how devastated she was.  She didn’t want him to have the satisfaction, but she could only stifle herself so much.  The despair of knowing what the HuVet had done and the fear of what Rick would do to her once he had her in his home only heightened her anguish. 

            She was in a daze when the trip was over and Rick guided her out of her carrier in the backseat of his car to the pavement below. They had gone several steps before Claire could even muster the energy to look up and see where she was. 

            She stopped dead in her tracks. 

            They weren’t outside Rick’s house or anyone’s house for that matter.  They were outside Rick’s office building—her office building.  There were so many times, especially early in her pet service that Claire had dreamed of going through those glass doors again, dressed in her designer power suit, ready to kick ass and take names.  In none of those dreams was she crawling at her enemy’s feet, leashed, and drooling. 

            Her dream had become a nightmare. 

            Claire tugged back against the leash.  She would have done anything in that moment, no matter how degrading or disgusting, if it meant that she didn’t have to go through those doors as she was—a miserable, pathetic beast. 

            Rick held the leash firmly and chuckled.  “Aw, is puppy scared about going back to work?  Come on, Pipsqueak, don’t be frightened. There are so many people in there that can’t wait to see you after your two year vacation!” 

            Claire whined and shook her head.  The movement and the intent triggered the petsitter. 

            “Bad dog!”  She heard the mechanical voice inside her head scold as her collar and the other wired places in her gear issued a jolt.  “Follow your owner!”  Then the voice scolded her and she was jolted again.  “Bad dog!  Puppies do not make human gestures!” 

            Claire whimpered from receiving two discipline shocks in such quick succession. 

            “Come, Pipsqueak!  Now!” Rick’s voice was more forceful. 

            Whimpering from the shock, and with no choice but to follow, Claire allowed herself to be guided into the lobby of the building. 

            “Good morning, Mr. Porter!”

            From her lowly place on the shiny, granite floor, Claire couldn’t see over the circular desk, but she recognized the voice.  It was the receptionist, Christina Green, a bespectacled, beanpole of woman who always wore her curly black hair pulled back in a severely professional bun.  Claire couldn’t stand how weak-kneed that woman was.  Despite being much taller than Claire, she had absolutely no backbone, and that made her a favorite target for Claire to bully.  On more than one occasion she’d threatened Christina’s job over some trivial mistake—or sometimes over nothing at all—just to watch her stammer and apologize.  The memory made Claire smile, and forget for just one moment that she was kneeling next to a man she hated at the end of a leash. 

            “Good morning, Miss Green.” Rick flashed a winning smile.  “Has our rehire come in yet?”

            “No, not yet, sir.”

            “Tell him to come straight up to his office when he does, alright?”

            “Yes, sir.  I will.”

            Claire felt the tug of the leash guiding her away from the desk towards the elevator.  She followed, panting and happy that at least she didn’t have to face her former subordinate.

            Rick stopped abruptly after a few steps and exaggeratedly snapped his fingers.  “Oh, I almost forgot, Miss Green, please come and meet my new puppy, Pipsqueak.”

            Claire prayed that she would simply melt into the floor as Christina approached.  The young woman looked no different than Claire remembered.  In fact, she may have gotten even more-matronly over the previous two years.

            Christina bent down, looked Claire right in the eye, something she had never dared do, and said in a cutesy voice, “Well, hello there, puppy!  I’m sorry, what did you say her name is?”

            “Pipsqueak,” Rick said.

            “Pipsqueak, how cute and…appropriate!” 

            Claire glared up at her, but the recent shock she’d received out in front of the building reminded her to repress her negative thoughts. 

            “Thank you.  I wish I could take credit, but her previous owner came up with that one.  He said he named her that because of how small her boobs—I mean her teats—are.  I’ve got to remember to use the proper terms!  It confuses them if you talk about them like they’re people.”  Christina giggled and then Rick gave the leash a quick, sharp tug.  “Pipsqueak, where are you manners?  Shake!”

            The idea of having to do stupid doggy tricks in front of Christina made Claire want to die even more, but when the receptionist offered her hand, Claire obediently put her paw on the palm and barked once to say, “hello.”

            “Aw, she’s so cute…and so clever too!”

            “No, she’s actually a pretty slow learner—pretty dumb even for a puppy girl.    Anyway…come on, Pipsqueak, we’ve got a lot of steps to climb!”

            With her cheeks burning from the humiliating encounter, Claire followed.  Then she thought to herself, “Wait, steps?”


            Walking up ten flights of stairs wasn’t that much for someone on two legs, but for Claire on her hands and knees it was murder.  She was a sweaty, panting mess and ready to collapse when Rick thankfully took her out of the stairwell to what had once been her floor. 

            “He’s doing this on purpose…”  She thought, hoping that most of the people she worked with wouldn’t be like Christina and would have moved on to other jobs at other companies. 

            Her hopes were not to be.  It soon became clear that many of her former co-workers were still there and had clearly been told she was coming.  Every few steps there was someone else from her past to comment on her, tease her, pet her and so on.  Then, as if that wasn’t enough, Rick then took her into her old office. 

            Claire felt a lump in her throat as she went through the door, remembering how it was when she confidently walked upright into that room day after day, when her future was bright and her potential was limitless.  Now her office was to be given to some “rehire.” 

            The view of the skyline, while not as impressive as the one Rick had through a bigger window from floors above, was unchanged, but nearly everything else was different.  The carpeting, the paint on the walls, the art were all aggressively “masculine” with dark colors and ample hunting trophies.  The only thing other than the view that seemed to remain was the large mahogany desk that she’d purchased herself. 

            Claire looked up at Rick as if to say, “Why would you bring me here?”

            His only answer to her silent question was to smile knowingly and sit down in one of the two, dark, red, leather bound chairs in front of the desk.  Claire huffed and sat down by his feet to wait for whatever came next.  If there was one thing she’d had to get good at, it was waiting. 


            Some time later, the door opened.  Claire stared disbelieving at the man who entered.  The rehire was Lukas Jackson, a block of a man with close cropped hair and a well-trimmed beard—one of the several men she had falsely accused of sexual harassment so that they would be fired and she could advance further with the company—or simply because she didn’t like them. 

            “Jackson!”  Rick stood up quickly, yanking the leash unwittingly as he did, choking Claire.  “Good to see you!”

            The two men shook hands.  “It’s good to be back, Porter.”  Lukas replied.  He very purposefully looked down at Claire who found herself ironically shrinking against Rick for protection.  “What have we got here, one of those new service animals?”

            Rick grinned.  “Yes, but not just any service animal.  Look closely.”

            Lukas raised Claire’s chin with his thick fingers.  It took a few moments, but then she saw recognition in his eyes.  “Oh, my God is that…?”

            “Yes, but also, no, not anymore.  Let’s not confuse the poor little pup by saying her old name.  Her name is Pipsqueak now.”

            Lukas looked at Rick and then back down at Claire as if not believing what he’d seen. 

            “Pipsqueak is going to be our company ‘stress reliever.’”  Rick explained.  “Normally you’d have to sign up for time with her, but I thought it would be nice to skip you to the head of the line as a sort of welcome-back-to-the-company kind of thing.  Besides—since you two have a history together I’m sure you’ve got loads to catch up on!”  He offered the leash to Lukas. 

            Claire huddled closer to Rick.  She was too distracted with the current danger to even think about the implications of being a “company stress reliever.” 

            “No!”  She thought.  “You can’t leave me alone with him!”           

            Lukas took the leash.  “You’re serious?”

            “As serious as a heart attack!  You’ll get a full fifteen minutes with her to do whatever you want.”  He grinned and plunked the petsitter remote into Lukas’ palm.  “Oh and one more thing, she’s classified as a biter so…”  Rick leaned in close and whispered something in Lukas’ ear before smiling broadly and taping on the front of his teeth.

            Lukas gulped visibly and nodded slowly.     

            Don’t have too much fun!”  Rick added before closing it behind him.

            Lukas’ face darkened.  “Claire—I mean Pipsqueak…Yeah, that’s a good name for a scheming, little bitch like you…”  His voice was low and dangerous.  The tone made Claire shake with fear knowing that she was at his mercy. 

            Without warning, he scooped her up and dropped her on the clear surface of what had been her desk.  Claire whimpered and tried to scamper away, but all she succeeded in doing was choking herself with the leash.

            “Oh, no, no, no…You’re not going anywhere, bitch.”  He paused.  “I was never into you, you know that?  Too short…”  He reached down and fondled her breasts a bit.  “No tits…”  He swatted her upturned butt making her yelp.  “No ass…”  He pressed up on her nose.  “A piggy’s face…”  He yanked her ginger hair.  “Clown hair…”  Then he tapped her on the side of the head just a bit too hard.  “And stupid too…”

            Lukas looked at her with utter contempt.  Claire was used to being degraded, but not the way he was doing it. Her first owner was disgusting and perverted, but he never said she was ugly. He called her stupid all the time, but never ugly.   

            “Save your tears, bitch!”  Lukas yanked on the leash.  “I didn’t just lose my job because of you…I went bankrupt.  I lost my house.  My fucking wife left me!”  He grabbed Pipsqueak’s tail and pulled it just enough to make the plug press against her stretched hole, making her whine.  “Don’t like your tail being pulled, huh?  Just like a real bitch!” 

            Lukas laughed then looked at the remote.  “‘In-heat mode’?”  He mumbled.  “Well, let’s see what that does…”

            Despite her fear and disgust the vibrations that sprang from the c-string, tail plug and nipple pads made her whine again for a totally different reason.  Her animal instincts overpowered her conscious thought just like they always did before when her most sensitive and formally most private of areas were subjected to relentless, intense stimulation. 

            “Wow…”  Lukas remarked, but Claire could barely hear him through the fog of neediness that undulated through her.  “You’re getting off to this?  Ugly, stupid, and a disgusting slut too...”  He ran his fingers along her parted, drool-slicked lips. 

            Despite the fact that biting had landed her in a lifetime of degrading servitude, the thought skipped through her mind the moment his fingertips made contact.  She wasn’t sorry for what she’d done to him.  It was business.  Why couldn’t he figure that out?  It wasn’t personal before, but after the way he’d treated her over the previous five minutes, she wasn’t just not sorry, but she was glad for what she’d done.  Fearing a shock, she buried the thought.

            He snatched back his fingers as if reading her mind. 

            “Oh, that’s right; you’re a little biter.” 

            Claire felt something like pride for a moment.  At least there was still a small part of her that was considered dangerous.

            Then to her surprise, Lukas shoved his fingers into her mouth and pulled against her teeth until both the top and bottom sets came away.  Long strings of saliva connected them to her gaping mouth as he pulled away dentures that had been connected to her gums with powerful magnets. 

            Claire was horrified as she drooled even more than before.  No wonder her teeth had felt just a little too perfect.  They weren’t even hers!

            Lukas set the dentures on the windowsill and looked at her sideways.  “Esh, you’re even more sickening toothless!”  He flipped her around on the desk so that she was facing away from him.  “This end isn’t much better, but it’ll have to do I guess.”

            The vibrations stopped, taking away the distraction from what they had done to her mouth.  She felt a pull on her tail again, but it wasn’t just a slight tug like before.  Claire yowled as Lukas ripped the plug roughly out of her, and then carelessly dropped it with the attached c-string on the floor by the desk.  Claire moaned from the pain and the sudden absence in her tortured rear entrance.  Lukas gripped Claire’s hips, his fingernails digging into her soft skin just enough to make it hurt. 

            Claire whimpered weakly and prepared for the inevitable.  She’d been roughly fucked countless times.  She knew the drill. 

            Out of curiosity of what she would be working with, she looked over her shoulder when she heard Lukas unzip his pants.  Her toothless, dribbling mouth fell open.  As gross as her previous owner was, at least he was stubby and easy to take.  Rick’s semi-frequent rentals were manageable too as he was a man of average size.  Lukas, however, was not average.

            “Oh, my God…he might as well be the size of my forearm!”  Claire thought fearfully.  She steadied herself with the fact that whatever the vet had done to her pussy, at least it was wet and as ready as it could be for him.

            Lukas dropped his pants and reacquired her hips.  “I hear you doggy sluts are so loose from all the fucking you do; you probably won’t even feel me going in.” 

            Claire barked earnestly from force of habit, and her hips gyrated uncontrollably when she felt him at her overheated entrance.  There was no point in fighting it.  Fighting made it hurt more. 

            “Let’s make this memorable for both of us…”  Lukas spread her cheeks and spit right on her crinkled, little bud and then pressed his monstrous head against it. 

            Claire’s eyes shot open.  Though she’d worn an uncomfortable plug most of the time, she hadn’t been “done up the tail hole” since the mandatory obedience school she went through at the start of her service.  Even then, it didn’t happen that often and it had never happened with a man who was hung like a horse!  But it was happening then, and there was nothing she could do as his thick rod began to invade her tight opening that was fortunately still well-greased from the tail plug.

            Forgetting all her training that was to make her docile and pleasing to a man, Claire clenched shut in a feeble attempt to keep him out, but he just kept forcing his way further and further into her depths.

            Lukas licked a tear off her cheek and whispered in her ear.  “Stop crying.  We both know that you doggy whores love this—we both know that you love it…”

            Claire shuddered and hung her head.  Seeing the drool collecting below her chin on the desk and the puddle of her juices between her trembling knees, she knew that he was right.  Even as she thought she might black out from the agony, her pussy twitched and grasped at the air, practically pouting because Claire’s other hole was the one getting all the attention. 

            Lukas slid in and out of her.  Each time he went in she howled, and each time he went out she whined.  His insulting remarks had stopped.  They were replaced by grunting and moaning as his pace quickened.  Claire felt her desire rising too.  It—not the sodomy itself, but the pressure and stimulation radiating from it—felt so good, but she didn’t want to orgasm from what he was doing to her.  She didn’t!  But when the first spurt of cum shot inside of her, once again, her body overrode her objections and she felt herself release right along with him.  As his load filled her, she howled as the intense pleasure surged through her, mingling and mitigating the horrible pain and shame she felt.     

            Lukas, still breathing heavily, slapped her upturned ass and laughed.  He pulled out of her with an audible and disgusting plop.  Claire shuddered from the empty feeling she had again, the gross noise, and the feeling of Lukas’ hot spunk running down the inside of her thighs.

            “You actually came to this?”  He chided her.  “God, you really are a disgusting slut.”

            Claire was too tired and too achy to even think about how unfair that statement was. 

            “And look at the mess you made!” 

            Lukas stood in front of her, his deflating cock right in front of her face.  She was suddenly grateful for the regular enemas she received as part of the pet grooming process.  She was especially grateful for the one the vet tech had given her that morning.   

            “Clean it.”

            When his command sunk into her addled brain, Claire recoiled. 

            “Clean it.”  He grabbed her hair, yanking it so hard that her mouth came open as her eyes screwed shut. 

            She gagged as her toothless mouth was filled with him.  The flavor of lube, cum, and—she couldn’t let her mind go there—flooded her taste buds.     

            “I’m not going around all day with your stink on me.  Clean it!” 

            Fearful that he was going to leave a bald spot on her head, Claire desperately began to work her tongue around his cock.  She tried to think of anything besides the taste—the reality of what she was being made to do.  When he was finally satisfied, he pulled his still large shaft from her toothless mouth and wiped it off on her messy hair. 

            There was a knock on the door. 

            “Just a minute!”  Lukas called, and put his pants back on.  “Come in.”

            The receptionist, Christina Green entered carrying a plastic bucket filled with various objects.    

            “Good morning, Mr. Jackson.  I’m here to take Pipsqueak to her next appointment.  She has a very full ‘dance card.’”

            Lukas took the end of Claire’s leash and attached it to a hook that had been bolted to the side of the desk, trapping her there, and then he straightened his tie.  “Sure, go ahead!  I’m finished with her.”  He went to the door.  “Hey, be a doll and clean up the desk before you go, will you?”  Then he gave Christina a firm swat on the butt to punctuate his command. 

            Christina jumped.  “Oh!  Yes, Mr. Jackson!  Right away!” 

            Despite everything that had happened to Claire, it was gratifying as Hell to see Christina be subjected to such casual and degrading harassment.  It was even better to see that she was just as spineless as ever. 

            After Lukas had gone, Christina’s eyes fell on Claire.  There was a complete change in her demeanor. The nervous meekness seemed to fall away.  It was replaced with a kind of unhinged playfulness that somehow worried her more than all the hate she got from Lukas.

            “Aw, did puppy get all meshshy when that mean man pwayed wif her?”  Christina donned a pair of pink rubber gloves and produced a spray bottle and a small, rubber squeegee from the bucket.  “Mish Chrishthina is going to make it all bethther!”

            Claire stared wide-eyed at Christina as she stalked forward with the cleaning implements in hand.  She knew then and there that her day wasn’t going to get any better.                 

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