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Saturday, February 17, 2024

Button's First Kennel Stay - Part 3


Button’s First Kennel Stay Part 3

Back to Part 2 

Original Concept and Art by – Nimbletail –



            Button wasn’t entirely sure how it happened, but after their little game of tug-of-war, she’d made friends with the chocolate poodle, Bonbon.  Perhaps winning the game through frustration, determination, and a little luck had made the athletic Bonbon respect her a little more, though Button doubted that anyone, human, pet girl, or even regular pet, had much respect for her no matter her actions.  Perhaps they had formed a bond simply because both puppy girls, like all the other guests at the hotel, had all been teased to breaking point by the “Eager Beaver” system.  After all, misery always loves company.   

            In the end, Button didn’t really care why.  With all the drawbacks to the life she had chosen, one of the bright sides was how uncomplicated relationships were between puppy girls.     

            Bonbon was obviously more-experienced as a puppy girl in general and she clearly knew the ins and outs of life at the pet hotel, so Button followed her lead.  Over the course of two days, whenever they weren’t sleeping, eating, going “potty,” or having organized playtime, the girls were mostly left to themselves.  In between bursts of mild to intense stimulation through their nipple pads, their c-strings and their tail plugs, Bonbon restlessly paced back and forth along the fence.  Keeping a few strides behind her, Button paced right along with her.  For a moment, it reminded her of labyrinth walking, in which ancient people followed patterns on the ground in search of spiritual enlightenment.  Then she realized that what she was doing was nothing like that.  Those ancient people were seeking a higher plane of existence; she was just a horny, stupid animal trying to keep her paws of herself!          

            They both paced so much that the staff began to refer to them as the “puppy patrol.”  The receptionist made sure to capture them on her phone camera while they made their “little rounds.”

            “Oh, your owners will be so proud of you!”  She cloyed, “keeping the whole kennel safe like good, little watch doggies!”

            Button and Bonbon exchanged glances as if to say, “Can you believe this bitch?” before they resumed their “patrol.” 

            Mention of her owner made Button’s heart ache as much as her puppy parts.  She wondered where he could be.  How long could one stupid stakeout last?

            Though Button suspected that Bonbon was getting to make cummies at bedtime like most of the other guests (something she had still not gotten to do at the hotel), it was becoming clear that her new friend’s frustration was mounting.  Button wasn’t sure how many days Bonbon had already been at the hotel before she’d arrived, but that extra time had clearly taken its toll on her.  Even at a distance, Button could smell Bonbon’s intense, perpetual arousal, which permeated the warm summer air.  The dripping trail of her excitement that she left behind her was even more telling of her state. 

            On the fifth morning of Button’s stay, Bonbon, who had up until then seemed quite strong and almost dignified, had clearly reached her limit.  She had tears in her eyes when she was let out in the morning and whined and wiggled.  Even though Bonbon knew better, the staff had to keep triggering her shock collar to stop her from humping the doggy jungle gym.  Even after they’d successfully driven her away from that, they had to go after her again because she kept lowering her haunches to drag herself along the dirt like a worm-ridden stray mutt. 

            “What’s gotten into our little coco puffs?”  The receptionist asked, gently petting Bonbon’s scruffy, hair puffs. 

            The trainer pressed a button and shocked Bonbon again, making her whine and raise herself from the ground.  “Oh, she’s just being dramatic because she didn’t get to have any fun last night!”

            The receptionist smiled and patted Bonbon’s pert, dusty rump.  “Aw, don’t worry, sweetie.  Your owner is coming in a few hours to pick you up.  I’m sure he’ll take good care of you then!”

            Bonbon whined and shakily tried to continue her pacing.  Button followed her, and though she tried not to, she felt herself judging Bonbon again.  So what if Bonbon hadn’t gotten to have any fun?  Button hadn’t been allowed to since she’d gotten there and she wasn’t acting so needy and disobedient!  Button paused and wondered if she was just jealous, because Bonbon’s owner was coming to get her soon. 

            Bonbon’s owner did finally come for her.  He arrived the following afternoon after organized playtime.  Button, along with all the other peevish, pouting puppy girls watched Bonbon scurry across the yard to the door.  Button felt disgust and envy in equal measure as she watched Bonbon making high-pitched yips and bouncing around him, before she lowered her face to the ground, pressed her upturned backside against his leg and started gyrating.  Button curled her lip as she watched, thinking she’d never act so pathetic, but at the same time she felt her paw unconsciously sliding down to her throbbing bits. 

            The shock and sudden reprimand from the petsitter brought Button back to herself, and she watched Bonbon eagerly follow her owner through the door without so much as a backwards glance.

            She didn’t even say goodbye!

            Button huffed. 

            The next two days proved Button entirely wrong about herself.  She wanted her familiar chew toys, kibble, and crate.  She hadn’t been able to sleep properly because of the anticipation of and the actual activation of the Eager Beaver system.  She hadn’t had a bath the whole time, so she was grimy and sweaty.  Worst of all, even though she’d tried her hardest to suck the color off the water knot in her crate, she hadn’t ever been allowed to make cummies!  

            By the seventh day, Button found herself acting even worse than Bonbon.  The handlers had chased her away from the doggy jungle gym seven times.  The shocks from the petsitter and the verbal reprimands from the staff made the little puppy girl whimper and scurry away with her tail between her legs.  Each time she would remind herself that the little area between her hind legs belonged to Master, and she wasn’t supposed to mess with it without his permission.  Yet, after a short time, the arousal would flood her little brain and she’d find herself humping again.  When they barred her from the jungle gym, she followed Bonbon’s downward spiral and tried dragging herself against the ground even though she knew it was a disgusting act that would get her nowhere.  Even with the dirt clinging to all the sticky spots on her skin and more shocks and scoldings, Button just could not stop! 

            There was no one to exchange glances with when the receptionist took a video of Button dragging herself along the ground before the handlers stopped her again.  Button hung her head. Master was going to see just how lowly and gross she had become over the course of a week.  Despite that, part of her was happy, because it meant that maybe he would come for her sooner after seeing her state. The other part was utterly mortified that the man she loved and respected so much would see her acting the way she was.  

            In time, Button gave up her little patrol, because crawling in a straight line had become impossible.  She trembled intermittently, even without the help of the Eager Beaver system, as she sat in the middle of the pen with a sort of glazed look in her eyes while a puddle of her desperate pining slowly collected beneath her.  She found it impossible to think about anything for more than a moment. 

            Oh, Master, whine, come and rescue me!  I…

            Pant, pant, my puppy parts are so swollen and achy!  They’re…

            Grrr!  Master, I hate you for leaving me, I hate…

            Master’s knot feels so good in my puppy parts!  Whimper!  I need it so…

            Master, I’ll be SO good and do all my tricks perfect and…

            Master!  I…

            Master!  I…

            Master!  Master!  Master!

            Button had no idea how much time had passed.  Desire had not just become her only focus; it was as if she had become desire itself.  She was so wrapped up in herself that she barely registered the door to the play area opening.  In fact, she only glanced in that direction out of pure reflex.    

            Button didn’t move a muscle.  She was so hazy that she didn’t even trust her own senses.  Besides that, she’d been disappointed so many times that week she didn’t want to be let down again.  After several blinks, however, she realized that he really was there.  Master was there!  Master had finally come to get her!

            Button barked happily, jumped up and bounded for him leaving a leaky, little trail behind her.  The little puppy girl crashed into his legs, then looked up at him.  It was really him!  She didn’t know if she should roll over on her back for a belly rub, put her face down and tail up to present her eager, little hindquarters to him, or if she should lick his hand. 

            The feel of his strong hand resting on top of her spinning head, steadied her.  His voice cut through the confusion. 


            She obeyed. 

            “See now, Button, I told you I’d come back for you!”  He clipped her leash to her collar and she felt safe.  

            With Master standing above her with a firm hold of her short leash, Button was able to momentarily ignore the heat inside of her.  He’d trained her to be a proper, well-mannered puppy girl, and she wasn’t about to disappoint him.

            “Come on, let’s get you home,” he said with a tug of her leash. 

            Button shakily crawled after him.  Though she felt so squishy, wet and hot, she tried her best to remember how she was to behave. 

            The reception area was much busier than it had been when Master had checked Button in to stay.  There were four owners and their sullen looking puppy girls waiting to be registered for their own miserable stays.  Button found herself actually blushing when the other puppy girls looked at her.  She wondered how dirty she looked and how much she smelled.  She glanced behind her and saw that she was still leaving a trail of her sap too.  What would they think of her? 

            Horrified, Button stopped, only to be pulled forward with a sharp tug of the leash.  “Heel!”  Master commanded, and she submissively took her place by his well-polished, black dress shoe.

            She was so anxious to get home; she zoned out and ignored the “people talk” going on above her, which was what she was supposed to do anyway.  The moment of idleness, however, was enough for the devil to start playing again. 

            Button looked over at Master, specifically one part of him. 

            Only his stupid pants and his dumb boxers are between me and his knot!  I want it!  I want it!  I want it!    

            Button huffed and moved her face just a little closer.  She sniffed in his direction.

            Master!  Look!  Look!  I’m acting just like a real doggy!  Master! 

            She’d been partially playing before, but then she got too close, mere millimeters from that very special part of him, and caught the barest scent of him.  Something inside her went wild.  All the frustration, coupled with her normally quite healthy sex drive, suddenly boiled over and drowned out her normal self-consciousness and all of the obedience training she’d received.  Even knowing that Master was in control, holding her leash and telling her what to do wasn’t enough to hold back the little animal inside of her. 

            Button pressed her face to his crotch and sniffed wildly as she lapped at the fabric of his dress pants.  She could barely hear Master call out her name in a strangled voice.  She was too lost in his musk and the feel of his growing hardness to listen.  The terrible tingles between her hind legs drove her towards him.  Her face still buried in Master’s bulging crotch, Button straddled his leg and wrapped her paws around him in the tightest hold she could manage. 

            With tears of joy, pain, and passion running down her cheeks and her tongue lolling out of her spinning, little head, Button humped like a tiny jackhammer against Master’s protesting leg. 

            Oh, Master!  I’m so happy to see you, Master!

            Oh, Master!  I’m your dirty little doggy!  See, Master! See!

            Master!  Please take this stupid c-string off me! 

            Master!  Please let me rub my bare puppy parts against you!

            Master! Please give me the knot!  Please!  Please! Please! 




            Button recoiled from the disciplinary shock that issued from her collar, nipple pads, c-string, and tail plug.  When Master punished her manually, he rarely did all four, so when it happened she knew he was not pleased with her behavior.

            “Bad girl, Button!  I told you to sit!”  He scolded.    

            Button whined and took her place by his heel once again. 

            “Sorry, everyone!”  Master’s voice became light and pleasant again.  “She’s just a little worked up after her stay!”

            The other owners and the receptionist all chuckled politely. 

            “Ah, what can you expect from a little animal that’s happy to see her owner?”  One man asked no one in particular. 

            “You handled that bad behavior very well, sir!” One woman remarked. 

            Master nodded politely to her and finished with the paperwork. 

            “Alright, Button, come along!”  He said with a gentle tug of her leash.

            Button hung her head as she crawled next to him.  Though the owners had stopped looking at her, because, after all, there was nothing noteworthy about a pathetic “little animal” acting the way she had, the other puppy girls were staring daggers at her.  

            Their stares seemed to suggest that Button was making them all look more pathetic than usual.  Which was rich coming from a group of girls kneeling on the floor in ridiculous, dehumanizing puppy gear, but Button felt that they may have had a point.  She glanced over her shoulder when she heard whining.  A freckled puppy girl with red, kinky hair was being dragged by the receptionist through the door to the play area. 

            “Oh, don’t fret Marmalade!  Your owner will be back to get you in no time!”  She cooed.

            Button’s eyes met Marmalade’s.  She wished that she could give the redheaded puppy girl some kind of an assuring look, but she couldn’t.  Button’s look suggested that Marmalade would be in the same drippy, near mindless state by the end of her stay.

            Check your dignity at the door, Marmalade; it’ll make things easier…

            The message seemed to be received.  Marmalade started whining louder and pawing desperately at her collar before she was dragged through the door. 

            Even after the awful shock and Master scolding her in public, it took every ounce of Button’s willpower not to try humping his leg again.  It had felt so good!  Panting and unsteady, she followed him out to the car. 

            The feel of his strong, rough hands against her skin as he loaded her into the backseat dog carrier was irritating in the best way.  Shifting and squirming in his grip, she tried to get his hands closer to her more sensitive, naughty areas without much success. 

            “No, Button!”  Master gave her a firm swat on her wagging behind.  “When we get home!”

            Button yelped from the smack and whined.   

            Why can’t Master be like those fat, sick perverts that fuck their puppy girls whenever and wherever?

            The irony of her wish was lost on Button as Master closed the wire mesh door on her carrier and locked it. 

            The drive home was murder.  Every bump on the road threatened to set Button off and make her start pawing herself again.  After the third particularly jarring bump she gave in and received an automated discipline shock for her trouble.  The trip seemed to go on forever, and without being able to see much past the little, wire mesh carrier door, she had no way of knowing how long she’d have to hold out—which she didn’t.  Despite the threat of the shocks, her naughty, trembling paw returned to her aching crotch several more times.

            “Button,” Master called from the driver’s seat.  “You’re going to scramble your little brains if you keep trying to rub yourself.  Stop it, or I’ll turn up the shock setting.”

            Button grumped and wagged her behind with irritation.  She should have been mad that he put her in this predicament.  She should have been furious that he wouldn’t let her do anything about it, but all she could think about was getting home and what he was going to do to her once they were there.

            Please, Master, hurry!

            Master, I need it so bad!

            Her internal monologue matched her external sounds in their wretchedness.  Her whining and whimpering reached a fever pitch. 

            “I know, Button, I know.  Don’t worry, just be a good puppy for me and it’ll all be over soon!”

            Master’s words comforted her and quieted her, but only a little bit.  She closed her eyes, pressed her burning forehead to the cool plastic floor of the carrier and continued to wiggle her upturned bottom for the rest of the drive.

            When the car stopped, Button didn’t open her eyes.  Past hope, she assumed Master had paused at another traffic light or a stop sign.  Her heart leapt when the engine shut off and Master announced, “Alright, Button, we’re home!”

            She couldn’t contain her excitement.  Shaking and barking she banged on the little carrier door with her padded paws.  The back passenger door opened and Master looked at her through the bars.  Seeing him only made her more excited.  She bounced in her carrier as her barks reached an even higher pitch.

            “Does Button want to come out?”

            “Yip!  Yip!  Yip!”  Button barked and slobbered. 

            “Aw, come on, I think you can do better than that.  Does Button want out?”

            Button furrowed her brow.  How could she do better than that?  Whining, she looked at Master with the best, most pathetic looking, puppy dog eyes she could muster and then licked at the bars separating them.

            Master laughed and opened the door.  Not waiting for his help, Button scrambled out the entrance.  Normally she waited for him to pick her up and place her on the ground, as the jump from the car was a little intimidating for her when she was stuck on all fours, but she was too frantic to wait. 

            “Oh, we’re a daredevil today, huh?  Good girl!”  Master chuckled.

            Button had no time for his patronizing little remarks.    

            We’re home now, Master!  Please mate me now!  Please!  Please!  Please!

            On the sidewalk in front of Master’s house, Button lowered her face to the ground, not caring how rough the concrete was against her soft cheek.  With her tail in the air she wagged it frantically back and forth while alternating between demanding barks and beseeching whimpers.  She “flirted” just like they showed her at obedience school.  Ordinarily, she would have rather died than flirt in public, but her need far outweighed any remaining pretense of dignity she had. 

            When she didn’t hear a response from Master, she turned her head and looked over her shoulder at him.  He was checking his phone!  How could he ignore her while she was abasing herself like this?  She was literally making a puddle of all her dirty, little desires for him on the sidewalk and he wanted to check his Instagram? 

            When Master finally looked up, Button pressed her face back to the ground and wagged her tail faster. 

            Please, Master!  Look!  Look!  Look!  See, I’m just the way you want me!

            She abruptly stopped wiggling, at least as much as she could, when she heard him speak to someone, but not her.  “Good afternoon, Mrs. Hartman.”

            “Good afternoon, Robert!” Replied the little, old lady.

            “How is Mr. Hartman?”

            You’re making small talk?  Now?  Right now?

            “Oh, you know, steady as a rock as always!”

            Yes, yes, your husband hasn’t helped around the house or touched you since dial up internet was a thing! We get it!

            Robert made a polite noise of affirmation.

            “Did Button spring a leak?”  Mrs. Hartman asked, then reached down and tickled Button on her upturned butt, making the puppy girl jerk back up onto all fours. 

            In spite of herself, Button leaned back into the touch.    

            Oh, God, I can’t help myself!  Master, please take care of me!  I can’t go on like this!  I can’t!  I can’t!

            “Oh, Button’s so much more-friendly than she usually is!”  Mrs. Harman remarked and kept teasing the lightly trembling puppy girl. 

            Robert laughed.  “She is, and, yes, I guess she’s a bit leaky isn’t she?”

            “Well, you’d better go fix her!”  Mrs. Harman said.  “They have laws about keeping the sidewalk in front of your house clean after all, but I guess you’d already know that!”

            “Don’t worry, I think I’ve got just the thing for her, ma’am.”

            Yes, and I want it now, damn it!  Please, Master, give it to me!  Give it to me!

            Mrs. Hartman smiled knowingly.  “I suspect you do.”  She reached down and stroked the side of Button’s belly, making the puppy girl squirm just a little more.  “Any chance we’ll see her with litter soon?  Button would look so cute with a little bump down here!”

            Litter?  Come on, lady, we haven’t even been married that long!  But still…’with litter’…God, why did she have to put it that way?

            “Anything is possible!”

            Does’ anything’ include taking me inside now?  Please?

            “Well, she can’t do it herself, Robert!”  Mrs. Hartman said solemnly.  “Anyway, I don’t want to keep you.  Here’s your mail.  I’m glad to see you’re both back safe!”  She bent down and scratched under Button’s chin.  “You be a good girl for your master now, Button!” 

            I will!  I will!  Just let me go inside with him and I’ll be the best puppy in the whole wide world for him!

            Button replied with a quiet, but heartfelt “woof” and licked Mrs. Hartman’s fingers.  After that, the old lady thankfully walked away and Master unlocked the front door. 

            The moment they were inside, before Master had even unclipped her leash—especially before he unclipped her leash—Button immediately resumed “flirting,” but Master was still immune to her charms, at least as far as she could tell with her mind spinning. 

            “Button…”  Master said as he kicked off his shoes.  “Do you really think I’m going to mate you when you’re all dirty and smelly?”

            Master’s old English Mastiff, Zeus, plodded around the corner and regarded the two of them with placid eyes. 

            Ignoring her judgmental audience, with her wagging behind still presented to Master, Button looked over her grimy shoulder at him and gave him an exasperated and heartfelt “woof!” which meant, “Yes!”

            You’d better damn it!  It’s not like I had a choice!  YOU were the one that left me in a kennel that didn’t so much as hose us off each day! 

            Zeus came a few steps closer, huffed, and pawed at his nose before turning away. 

            Master grinned.  “See, Button, Zeus agrees with me.  You stink!”

            Button glared at Zeus’ back as he walked languidly away. 

            Who asked you?

            Master shook his head.  “You’re lucky I let you ride home in the car, dirty dog!”  Then he scooped her up in his arms before she had a chance to reply and carried her past Zeus and towards the bathroom.

            She struggled a bit in his strong arms.  It was more out of reflex than a genuine desire to escape.  Button tested her boundaries and to her reluctant satisfaction, those boundaries were as firm as a granite wall.  It felt so good being against Master’s chest, the firmness of it and the steady rhythm of his heart was what she’d been missing over the previous week.  She nuzzled against him, losing herself in his scent and the feeling of helplessness she had while in his strong arms.  All the security and safety she felt didn’t cure the desire between her hind legs, however.  It only made it worse.  She whimpered into his chest and kicked feebly. 

            “I know, honey,” Master cooed.  “I’m going to make it all better.  I promise.”

            The trip to the bathroom lasted an eternity and was too short all at once.  Master placed her gently on the tile floor in front of the mirror he’d installed at her level.  He turned and closed the bathroom door.

            “Can’t have my ditzy, little puppy wandering off now can I?”  He chuckled and turned on the water.

            I’m not going anywhere, Master!  I’m staying right—Oh, God, I look horrible!

            Button brought a grubby paw to cover her mouth in surprise as she regarded herself in the mirror.  Her normally milky white skin had become brown with a coating of dirt and her raven colored hair had become greasy and stringy.  Having become mostly accustomed to her own scent, she didn’t want to imagine how she smelled to Master, or even Zeus for that matter.

            I really AM lucky that he let me ride in the car, ick! 

            She looked up at Master.  The front of his white dress shirt was soiled with her dirt.  Master looked down at himself and then at her. 

            “Look at what you did, Button!  You’re such a dirty dog!”  He laughed and unbuttoned his shirt. 

            Button felt bad about potentially ruining one of Master’s nice shirts, but she was too busy staring at the way his hairy chest strained when he took off the shirt.   It was just the result of exercise and natural movement, why was sinew, his sinew, so attractive to her?  Button felt herself stirring again.

            The hot steam of the bath was wonderful.  Button felt herself relax before Master had even lowered her into the warm water.  Half submerged in the tub, Button sighed with contentment.  It was hard to believe that just an hour before she was crawling around a dirty puppy girl kennel, dragging her haunches around on the dusty ground.

            “Okay, let’s get you cleaned up, honey.”  Master put a blue, paw-shaped dog scrubbing glove on one hand and squeezed pink doggy soap—formulated specifically for puppy girls—generously over the ribbed surface.  He bent down and whispered, his lips brushing her ear making her tingle, “so I can make you all dirty again.”

            Button looked at him as he pulled back with serious eyes and barked once.

            You’d better!  You’d— 

            Master seemed to have gotten the message. If the bumps in the road had made the car ride home maddening, the bath was utter insanity.  The little nubs on the glove scrubbed the dirt off, but they also tickled and teased her everywhere they traveled.  Master seemed to know all the right spots—even the less obvious ones—to make her go wild.  Of course the insides of her thighs, the spots where her bottom and her legs met, the bottoms of her little hanging breasts did it for her, but the collar bone, the small of her back, even a tiny spot on her jaw make her shiver pleasingly despite the heat of the water.

            Then Master took away the c-string.  With a flushed face, Button looked at him with pleading eyes and whined.  It was already embarrassing to be given a bath because she couldn’t do it herself.  It was even worse having her formally most private places cleaned by someone else.  Over-stimulated and over-heated as she was, Button didn’t know if she could bear the glove sliding against her down there. 

            Please, I don’t think I can handle this!  Master, please…

            Master was undeterred.  When she timidly tried to inch away in the tub, he grabbed her collar and pulled her right back to him. 

            “No, no…” Master gently chided her.  “This is the dirtiest part of a little, puppy girl.  We have to get it nice and clean!”

            The sensation of the glove against her twitching, aching puppy pussy sent Button through the roof.  With a squeak and a moan she began to grind against it, but Master quickly took the glove away.  Button huffed and looked at him.

            Why?  WHY? 

            “No, Button, it’s bath time. We’ll play when we’re done.”

            You’ve got to be fucking kidding me!

            “Don’t move while I wash you.” 

            Master wasn’t kidding. 

            He was serious.

            Button petulantly struck the water with her paw.  Her eyes were rimmed with tears of frustration.

            Please, Master!  I can’t!  I can’t!  I can’t! 

            “Be a patient puppy, or you’ll get nothing at all.”

            Button gritted her teeth and screwed her eyes shut when the glove returned. 

            Don’t move!  Be patient!  Don’t move!  Be patient! 

            To Button’s dismay, she felt her hips moving even as she did everything she could to keep them still.  Then she realized that she was going about it all wrong.  She was trying to resist like a person instead of acting like a proper, brainless puppy girl.  She relaxed her jaw, as hard as it was, let her tongue loll out and began to pant her way through the washing.  It was equally hard to un-furrow her brow and to look at Master with what her teacher at obedience school had called, “dumb, doggy eyes,” but Button managed it.  Rather than moving her hips and risking “making cummies” without permission, she crossed and uncrossed her eyes as the glove glided back and forth across her most sensitive skin. 

            “That’s my girl!”  Master praised.  “Good girl!” 

            The corners of Button’s open mouth turned up at the praise and she panted louder and faster in response.  Even staying still, Button was terrified that she might not be able to hold it much longer. The normal “in heat” mode of her puppy gear and the extra frustration brought by the stupid “Eager Beaver System” was nothing compared to Master’s touch, Master’s voice, and simply Master’s presence.  Just as she thought she might lose it, Master stopped. 

            “I think you’re clean enough now, girl.”  He reached into the dirty, almost black water and pulled the stopper. 

            Master hoisted her out of the water, placed her on the bathmat and began padding her dry with a big, fluffy towel.  Button sighed again with contentment.  It felt wonderful to be clean and to be handled by Master.  Then she noticed the lump in his pants and she smiled mischievously.  Master did want her after all!  He was so good at hiding it, that sometimes she just wasn’t sure, but perhaps he was just as worked up as she.  After all, it had been a week for him too.    

            “Button…”  He shook his head disapprovingly.  “I just bathed you and you’re already messy again!”  He rudely rubbed her puppy parts and then put his wet, sticky fingers in front of her eyes.  “Bad girl…”  He said, but in a way that she knew meant, “Good girl.”

            Button squirmed in Master’s arms on the short trip from the bathroom to the bedroom.  His dumb shirt wasn’t in the way anymore, so she could feel his warmth and his soft chest hair against her bare flank without obstruction. 

            Oh, why does Master have to ever wear a shirt?

            Button wasn’t usually allowed in Master’s bedroom.  She slept in her little crate in the kitchen and ate in the same room, did her business on walks or in her corner of the yard, got washed in the bathroom, and performed service with her muzzle or got mated in the living room.  It was his private space, so it was exciting for her to be brought there.

            Master had a strict rule about puppy girls and furniture—they weren’t ever allowed on it.  Even on their wedding night, Master had mated Button like a proper, little bitch for the first time on a carpeted floor sprinkled with rose petals.  Given the height difference between the two of them, Master had eventually relented, however, more for his comfort than for hers, and gotten a small, padded seat to set her on whenever they had their marital relations.  He called it the “breeding bench,” which was an appropriate name, even if he hadn’t actually “bred” her on it yet, and instead had only “mated” her on it.  Button thought about Mrs. Hartman asking if she’d be “with litter” soon and the perverse thought made her stir.  

            Oh, Master, if only you didn’t have me on birth control!  If you bred me, I’d give you so many litters!  I—Oh, God, what am I thinking?   

            Button admonished herself while Master put her on the bench.  She felt a surge of excitement at the vinyl covered padding beneath her.  The moment she’d steadied herself, she resumed her little ritual of flirtation that she’d started on the sidewalk outside. 

            Come on, Master!  Please!  We’re inside!  I’m all clean—and dirty—for you!  Please!  Please!  Please! 

            She begged with her eyes, her wagging tail, and her pathetic, beseeching barks, and for once it worked.  Though Master observed her with an easy stance and a calm, cool look on his face for several endless seconds, the big, scary bulge in his pants that he was still sporting made it clear that she’d gotten his attention. 

            “Alright,” he said and reached for his belt buckle.  Button tensed out of reflex, but only for a moment, because she knew she wasn’t in trouble.  “I think you’ve earned it.”

            Button barked and panted excitedly.

            Yes, Master!  I have!  I have!  I have!

            The sound of his belt buckle hitting the floor made her jump.  She watched him over her shoulder, enjoying the sight of his lean, muscular form towering above her with his manhood pointing right at her.  They were so different, him powerful, standing strong and erect—in more ways than one—and her, helpless, on all fours, and aching to be entered, taken, used, violated

            Button trembled when she felt Master’s fingertips drifting down her sides to her chest and then to her little, hanging “teats.”  She whimpered as he gently cupped them and stroked them.  Her pathetic, little noises rose in pitch as he began to squeeze and knead them in his strong hands.  She arched her back and gasped as he let out a deep groan when she felt him at her quivering, needy entrance. 

            Please, Master!  Oh, God, I can’t take it anymore!

            Button pressed herself back into him and cried out as she felt the thick, bulbous head of his “knot” begin to enter her.  Then she felt his strong hands move from her aching breasts, to her hips.  Master didn’t have to say anything.  The message was clear.  He was in control.  He decided when and how she got mated, not her!  Button shut her eyes and struggled frantically and futilely in his powerful grip.  After an agonizing minute of letting her flop around helplessly like fish, Master gripped her tighter and drove into her all the way to the hilt.

            Button, suddenly feeling quite stuffed, grunted from the impact of his pelvis crashing against her backside.  Tears of long denied pleasure and point sprang to her eyes as Master slowly began to slide back out of her.  Her greedy, little puppy parts clung to him, trying to keep him inside of her, but he was undeterred by her or her desperate noises.  He withdrew only to slam inside of her again.  After repeating the cycle only a few times, Button felt the orgasm building inside of her. After having been denied so many times, she was almost scared of the sensation.  Even more so, she was confused.  Master could work her up to an orgasm fairly easily, but she’d never been so close from just a few thrusts.  What had all the denial done to her?

            She made the special whine that signaled to Master that she was ready, and to her surprise, instead teasing her, or telling her to wait he mumbled in her ear, “Yes, Button, make your cummies.”

            Though she was still in his grasp, Button squirmed harder against Master’s knot, pleasure overwhelming and drowning out her thoughts.  On their wedding night, during their honeymoon, and the week or so they had before Master had left her at the kennel, Button had been allowed to make cummies and been forced to make cummies countless times.  All of the orgasms she’d received as a puppy girl, or ever, paled in comparison. 

            When it was all over, she collapsed into a sweaty heap on the bench, too weak to move.  Master propped her back up. 

            “Uh-uh, Button.  I’ve been waiting all week too,” he practically growled. 

            Button whined weakly as he began to mate, to fuck, her in earnest.  He rode her long and hard, making the poor thing orgasm again and again and again.  She’d lost count.  The ache of desire had been replaced with the ache of overuse.  She stopped wondering when it was going to stop and instead if it would stop!

            But like all good and bad things, it ended.  With one final, hard thrust, Master grunted and filled her with his hot, sticky seed.  Button’s cheek was stuck to the vinyl pad and she could feel Master and her own juices leaking out of her and down her thighs.  She mewed sleepily as Master picked her up and kissed her on the forehead. 

            “Welcome home, my little pup.”  He whispered. 

            She licked his cheek and replied with a drowsy bark.  She whimpered and pressed herself against him.

            Please don’t crate me, Master…I want to stay with you!

            To her surprise, the third surprise she’d gotten that afternoon, Master lay down on the carpet by the bed with her.  Grunting, he reached up and pulled the comforter and a few pillows down on top of them.  After arranging them, himself, and Button, Master sighed and placed his hand on the back of her head and guided her down to his knot.

            A good puppy always cleans up her mess…

            Button thought dreamily and took him inside her mouth.  Massaging him with her tongue and lazily sucking, she was pacified and completely at peace.  Of course, she would have rather been on the bed, but she really couldn’t have been happier. 

The End



            It was a few days after Button’s return from the doggy girl hotel.  Kneeling with her hind legs spread lewdly wide, she scowled up at Master.  Her head bobbed and her wet, little mouth worked dutifully up and down Master’s long, thick, drool-slicked knot.  How could he sit there so coolly in his easy chair watching TV after what he’d casually told her?  

            Before switching to one of his boring documentaries, Master had made her watch a little “highlight reel” that the people at the Wags Hotel had sent him.  Set to wacky, royalty-free music, the video showed her desperately sucking on the water knot again and again, stumbling through organized playtime, and finally ended with her dragging herself along the ground in a vain attempt to get relief from days and days constant teasing.  Master laughed and made patronizing remarks the whole time, while she blushed and squirmed at his feet. 

            If I had known they had a camera in my crate I wouldn’t have done all that!  I wouldn’t!

            Button tried to lie to herself, but she knew it was easy to imagine behaving in a more-dignified manner when she wasn’t “in heat” and so very desperate.  The video made a point of showing the little tantrums she threw every time she was denied “cummies” in her crate no matter how much she worshipped the stupid rubber knot. 

            When the video ended, Master took Button’s hair, and with the gentlest of pulls, guided her face down to his waiting crotch.  She took him into her mouth without hesitation, and then sucked on the smooth head gingerly before starting down the shaft, her little pink tongue massaging the bottom of it as she slowly traveled the length.  She was surprised and pleased with herself when she managed to take several inches of him without immediately gagging.    

            “Oh, Button…”  Master gasped, his hard thing twitching in her mouth.  “All that practice paid off!  Good girl, Button…”

            Button paused and shook with pleasure.  She loved praise from him in general, but knowing that she’d improved in such an important puppy girl skill made her even more excited.  She started sucking again with a little extra pep.  Her head bobbed a little faster and she sucked a little harder.    

            “I’m glad…”  Master relaxed back into his chair and rested his hand softly on the back of her head.  “That I told them to waive your orgasms at that hotel…”

            Button stopped again.  A little drool escaped her lips and began to trickle down her chin.  She looked up at him quizzically. 


            He scratched her behind the ear, making her want to kick her leg.  “You needed a lot of practice, honey, and this was the best way.”


            Master patted the back of her head, signaling the she was to keep going.  Button obeyed and resumed bobbing, but she glared at him while she did.

            “You and I both know that you would have never worked so hard if you’d been allowed to ‘make cummies,’ Button.”

            That’s not true!  That’s…

            “I also know that you’re a good little puppy who wants to please her owner more than anything, right?”

            I…yes, but…

            “So, as hard as it was, look how good you’re doing now!”

            That’s not fair!


            “Besides, Button, even if you hadn’t become a better, little knot sucker, you have to admit, the mating when I brought you home was pretty good after all that teasing, huh?”


            That’s not the point!  That’s…


            “So, just remember what you learned at obedience school, ‘Master always knows what’s best.’”


            Sigh, Master always knows what’s best…                                  



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