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Sunday, February 28, 2021

A Moment in Sue's Possible Future

A Moment in Sue's Possible Future    

 This is just an idea I'm toying around with for the Sue Sharp stories.  I thought it might be interesting to provide little glimpses of where the characters might have been and where they might go.  The idea seemed to be well-received on DA so I thought I'd post it here too.  If this is something ya'll would enjoy please let me know by commenting below.  

     The training manual had stated in no uncertain terms that puppy girls were not to be given table scraps for their mental and physical well-being. Along the same lines, the manual also stated that they were to be fed only once in the morning and once in the evening. Though treats could be awarded for extra good behavior, or for the flawless performance of a trick, no mid-day meals were recommended. Many puppy girls had owners that would bend or even break the rules from time to time, but Sue—Bitsy—wasn’t that lucky.

    When Bitsy was thinking more clearly, Sue actually did think she was lucky to have someone as strict and unwavering as Robert—Master. She needed the structure and guidance he provided. She knew what happened when she was left in charge of herself…

    Master had business downtown that Saturday and he’d been kind enough to take Bitsy along. Even if it was hard to keep up while she was down on all fours and the stares and usual questions from “clever” people like, “is she housebroken?” were beyond embarrassing, Bitsy went along happily. It was a lot better than spending the afternoon alone in her tiny crate by the clothes hamper forbidden to masturbate and slobbering on her well-chewed toys.

    At noon, Master ducked into a small, puppy-friendly, Italian restaurant for a bite to eat. Bitsy loved Italian food. The delicious smells coming from the kitchen and the dining room made Bitsy’s tummy rumble, but she reminded herself that she wasn’t even going to get a taste let alone a bite. That recollection didn’t stop the drool from starting to flow.

    While Master chatted pleasantly with the staff and ordered his lunch, Bitsy stared longing at his glass of wine. She lovedwine. She loved it too much in fact. It was one of the reasons why she needed his control and she knew it. Still, there was no harm in looking and smelling. She glanced down at her water dish—at least she was allowed to have that. When warm, fresh bread came to the table she took in the aroma and closed her eyes. Like the wine, she could almost taste it from the smell alone. She began to fantasize about Master feeding her even a tiny morsel and then allowing her to lick the butter from his finger tips. It made her shake with delight.

    When the spaghetti and meatballs arrived, Bitsy almost lost control. She wanted to leap onto the table and gobble up the whole thing no matter what Master or anyone else in the restaurant would think, say, or do.
    Master’s voice cut through her naughty thoughts and brought her back to her senses, “Steady, Bitsy.”
    Bitsy realized she’d been leaning forward towards Master’s plate. She felt her cheeks redden and she slowly sat back.
    “People food is not for me!” she reminded herself of what he’d had to tell her again and again during meal times.
    “That’s my good girl…” Master patted her on the head and Bitsy felt herself calm.

    She smiled as his fingers gently stroked her hair. Master’s praise was so much better than a silly plate of spaghetti!

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