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Friday, January 1, 2021

Concerning Lioness


Concerning Lioness

Lioness is a feminist organization from outside of Brentwood with one mission: to see Brentwood destroyed. Routinely, this organization sends agents to infiltrate the community in an attempt to amass evidence to expose Brentwood, lone island of civilization that it is, to the outside world. They also attempt to distribute feminist “literature” to the women of Brentwood in hopes that such silly, little "stories" would inspire rebellion among Brentwood’s docile and well-mannered ladies. Most hilarious of all, they’ve even attempted to organize a “rescue” for a kennel of puppy girls more than once. Due to the vigilance of its citizens, and the expected ineptitude of an organization made up entirely of confused and misguided girls, not one of their dozens of attempts to ruin Brentwood has been successful so far. 

Given their savage intentions towards Brentwood, one might expect that they would be labeled as criminals and terrorists. In fact, agents of Lioness are pitied rather than reviled, as everyone in Brentwood knows that these poor females have just been horribly misled. Lioness is seen more as a bunch of poorly-raised, little brats having a group tantrum than as a dangerous terrorist organization! It is common wisdom that a female by nature requires the guidance of a man in order to be productive and happy—something every member of Lioness is sorely missing.

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