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Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Goodbye Lori: A Brentwood Petplay Story


Goodbye Lori: A Brentwood Petplay Story

On to Part 2

The fire popped and crackled in the old brick hearth. Lori watched as the flames glided across the charred wood and little cinders danced in the air above them.  The metal, heart-shaped tag on her tight, pink, leather collar jingled as she shifted a bit to get more comfortable on the hard floor.  She still wasn’t accustomed to having to kneel all the time, but it was getting easier—much to her dismay.  The heat of the blaze washed over her naked body in sultry waves.  She was flushed, but not merely from the fire.

           Lori glanced up at Master, the man who legally owned her by the laws of Brentwood, a strange community of which she was only beginning to learn.  Master was sitting in his well-worn, overstuffed easy-chair reading as he did most evenings while she knelt by his side.  She didn’t know him by any other name but “Master,” though she’d invented plenty of choice names for him when he’d first brought her to his home. Master was so intent on his book that he paid her absolutely no attention, which normally would have been just fine with Lori.  Tonight, however, was different.  

           He’d kept her naked since her arrival. While she was still very much aware of her nudity, and deeply ashamed of it, her embarrassment had become a bit numbed over the last few months.  She still remembered how horrible it was to crawl out of the cramped, plastic pet-carrier for the first time with her little breasts hanging down and her freshly-shaved pussy exposed to him no matter how tightly she squeezed her legs together.  It was worse coupled with the recent realization that the so-called “pet shop” where he’d bought her had “disabled” her for her new life as a helpless house pet. Just like a real dog, she’d have to “walk” on all fours. Also her hands had been deadened and were as useless as a dog’s paws. They’d taken her speech as well. With training Lori eventually learned how to make all the basic doggy noises such as barking, whining, etc, but she’d never speak again.

Despite all of her girlish charms being in full view and her being helpless to escape after her bodily modifications, he’d never once looked at her with visible lust or taken sexual advantage of her helplessness.  He’d never looked at her as anything more than a silly little animal.  After a few days, once the initial fear of rape subsided, Lori found her fragile confidence threatened by his complete lack of interest.  It was horrible to think, but she would have at least liked him to notice that she was naked and completely vulnerable!  

           Lori had precisely zero experience with men. She was a bookish girl—quiet and aloof—and she had an appearance that discouraged notice even further. Standing, when she had been able to stand, at only 4’ 9’’ she was easy to miss.  She had a spritely figure to match, weighing no more than 90 pounds at her heaviest, and still not truly needing a bra at age 18.  Her lack of height and womanly endowments made her terribly self-conscious.  She was also very aware of how pale she was from staying inside all the time.  The only thing that she had any confidence about was her long raven-colored hair, which Master had ordered cut short on her first trip to the groomers—much to her distress.  After which they were arranged in ridiculous high pigtails sticking straight out of the sides of her head, which were referred to as “dog ears.”  They were usually embellished with pink ribbons tied in large bows and this night was no exception.      

           She snuck another look at Master.  She didn’t want him to know that she was watching him—studying him—with her big brown eyes.  This was the man who had bought her, humiliated her, trained her like a dog, and yet he seemed more than a captor and a sadist to her that evening. Lori had to admit to herself, he was good looking.  He was a tall, well-built man with short hair almost as dark as her own.  He had a full beard that he kept combed and well-groomed. Over the last few days she had begun to wonder if that beard would be soft or coarse to the touch.  

In her short time at college, Lori saw how easy it was for the other girls to get laid—or even just to talk to boys.  It wasn’t that she wanted sex per say.  She just would have liked to have been admired, or at least noticed.  It was bad enough being passed over for drunken sluts slogging around in their flannel pajama bottoms and flip-flops.  Now, even when she was naked and a man had every right to do with her as he pleased, at least as far as the local law was concerned, Lori still couldn’t even get more than a sideways glance!

“Why shouldn’t he be interested in me?”  Lori wondered to herself as she wriggled with frustration.  “I may be skinny and little but I’m—I’m cute!”  She thought indignantly as she unconsciously shook her head, making her dog ears dance.  The trouble was that she didn’t want him to notice her as a pet, but as a girl, or rather as a woman.  She reasoned, however, that some attention was better than no attention at all.      

           Turning her attention outward again, she saw Master’s arm was draped over the armrest.  His thick fingers hung down the side of the chair. Lori took a deep breath.    

“I’ll only act like a puppy.  I’ll do it just enough to get him to notice me,” she thought and she lowered her head under his fingers. 

Lori lifted her head back up so that his fingers touched her hair.  She rubbed against them anxiously hoping to get some reaction.  His fingers felt good against her scalp as they lazily stroked her silky hair. Lori closed her eyes and took in the sensation, but it ended all too soon.  After just a few moments he stopped.  Worse, he hadn’t even glanced in her direction once.  Not to be discouraged, Lori backed up a bit as she developed a new plan of attack.

“I can’t believe I’m doing this…” She thought as she parted her pink lips.

Her little pink tongue darted out and licked his fingers.  He tasted faintly of salt.  Lori let the flavor wash over her tongue for a few moments.  She felt so dirty, but she savored the taste.  Then, hesitantly at first, she began to lick at his fingers in earnest.  The small girl found herself beginning to pant, at first just to play up her puppy girl behavior, but then because she found herself becoming more and more aroused by her actions. Her little shaved pussy began to tingle as she lapped at him with her slobbery tongue.  

           Despite her display, Master didn’t take his eyes off his book, but he finally spoke, “My, my, Muffins is affectionate tonight...”

Lori could hear the smile in his voice as she continued to lick.  She couldn’t tell if he was enjoying her licking or if he was still enjoying humiliating her with that stupid moniker.  “Muffins…” How she loathed being called that!  The day she arrived in Master’s home, he’d given her that name to make fun of her little breasts.  It was etched into the tag hanging from her collar, and stenciled on the sides of her pink plastic food bowl and water dish so that she had a hard time ignoring it, and without a voice it was hard to dispute.    

He chuckled as he drew his hand away with such speed that Lori was still licking at the air for a few moments before he brought his hand back down to pat her on the head.  

“Does Muffins need to go potty?”  

Hoping that he hadn’t noticed her licking at the air, Lori frowned and squirmed as the tingling between her legs intensified.  She knew what she was supposed to do when she needed to “go potty.” He meant that she should go to the door and scratch at it with her “paw” until he leashed her and took her outside. More than any part of her training, having to beg to relieve herself and having to do it outside in her designated corner of the yard was almost the worst part.  Having to do her business in designated spots while out for her walks was most definitely the worst part!    

           Fortunately, she didn’t have to “go potty,” so she made no move for the door.  Lori took another deep breath and decided something even more drastic was necessary. She hesitated to do anything further.  Each willing action seemed to draw her further and further away from herself—Lori—and closer and closer to being Muffins.  Her damp pussy twitched at the thought of licking his fingers.  She was dying to know what those fingers would feel like caressing her in her most private of places.  

“Come on!”  She told herself.  “You’re doing these things to get what you want.  You are in control here!”  She assured herself.    

Swallowing what was left of her pride; she sat up on her “hind legs” and rested on the balls of her tiny feet.  This was as high as she could go without getting dizzy since they’d “disabled” her, and even then she had to be careful not to fall over.  Lori hated the “begging position” because whenever she was in it her little pink pussy always pouted open.  It made her feel even more vulnerable and very slutty.  She wanted him to see this time though.  Lori began to whimper and whine as she brought up her “paws” and let them hang uselessly in front of her.  Much to her ire, he still wasn’t paying attention to her display.  

“Calm down, Muffins,” he muttered.  “I’ll take you outside in a minute…”

           Lori dropped back down to her hands and knees and furrowed her brow.  She’d already embarrassed herself so much trying to get his attention; it felt like it was too late to turn back.  Lori sighed quietly as she realized that this was a role she was going to have to adopt fully.  

“But it’s just a role!”  She reminded herself quickly.

            Her cheeks were already flushed with humiliation as she crawled slowly to the front of Master’s chair.  She faced the fireplace and pointed here perky, peach-like, little bottom towards him.  Lori felt a little sick at the prospect of what she was about to do.  Without further ceremony, Lori dropped her head to the floor and raised her pert behind up towards him.  The fire-warmed carpet was soft against her cheek.  She tried to focus on that as she parted her knees, opening and exposing her puckered anus and glistening slit.  Lori held back tears as she began to shake her bottom back and forth. She wagged her “tail” as fast as she could, and then looked over her shoulder at Master with wide, moist eyes.  She crossed them in an effort to look even sillier.  She barked at him, panting with her tongue hanging out between each yip.  He called this position “flirting.”  When he’d first made her do it, he had to punish her more than once to get her to comply.  Never in a million years would Lori have thought she’d be doing it willingly under any circumstance.  

“Oh, I think I understand…”  He said playfully.  Lori’s eyes uncrossed for a moment and she saw him smiling down at her.  It was a patronizing smile, as if he was looking at a real puppy trying to walk on her hind legs, but he’d noticed her!  

           Lori’s heart leapt.  She faced the fire and wagged her “tail” faster.  She was panting and yipping so loudly that she almost didn’t hear the sound of his belt and pants hitting the floor.  Moments later, she glanced back over her shoulder and saw him standing behind her. Master was already completely naked.  She didn’t have anyone to compare him to, but he looked good to her!  His toned body was covered in dark hair that matched the hair on his head and face.  Her eyes worked their way down his wide, powerful shoulders, to his strong barrel-chest and inevitably focused on his thick, throbbing cock.  For a moment, she became fearful like she was when she first arrived.  Now that it appeared she was going to get what she wanted, Lori had no idea what she was going to do with it.  Her body called out for it, but her mind, fogged by arousal, screamed that she couldn’t possibly take all that inside of her!  Lori felt so inferior to him all of a sudden—more so than usual. There he stood, so tall, sturdy, and dignified even without his clothes.  His rigid manhood matching his steely, mischievous gaze.  While she in contrast was nothing but a frightened little animal, stuck on her hands and knees and drooling and barking in spite of herself, just like a real bitch in heat!        

           As Master knelt down behind her, Lori hesitantly tried to crawl away from him.  She gave a start as his strong hands gripped her girlishly narrow hips.  

“Ah, ah, ah, Muffins…”  Master rebuked her.  “You started this.  You’re going to be mated now rather you like it or not!” 

This was not at all how she’d imagined losing her virginity. Lori was a fairly old-fashioned girl.  She’d always fantasized about her first time being on her wedding night with a handsome, loving man who treated her as an equal.  In those fantasies she was on her back lying on silky sheets looking into the eyes of her lover—her husband.  At least, she thought, the rug was soft, and the man poised to take her was handsome, but why did he have to call it “mating”?  

           Lori feebly struggled in his grasp as a whimper escaped her lips.  She tensed as she felt the smooth head of his cock against her hungry, drippy, little opening.  Her first instinct, despite her trepidation was to press against it.  She felt so empty and desperately wanted to be filled! Master teased her.  Every time she tried to press against him he’d pull back just out of her reach and hold her still in his iron grip.  Lori’s hips danced with distress as she tried to follow him, only to be denied again and again.  She cried and whimpered in exasperation, looking at him over her shoulder with pleading eyes as she could feel her juices start to run down her legs.  She no longer cared how big he was or how humiliating it was to have to beg, she only knew that she needed it!

           Finally, when her desperation was at its peak and she knew she couldn’t possible take any more teasing, she felt his grip on her hips tighten and he drove himself into her tearing her hymen in one brutal thrust.  Lori let out a yelp as fresh tears of pain sprang to her eyes.  Her useless hands offered no release, so she bit the carpet to help her endure the assault.  She felt so full, so—stuffed.  It was wonderful and it was horrible.  Lori couldn’t make sense of the conflicting feels and she didn’t try.  She wished that she still had a voice so she could tell him he was hurting her, but Lori supposed that he probably wouldn’t care no matter how much she begged.  He held her firmly as he pulled almost all the way out and then thrust all the way to the hilt again. His pelvis slammed against her perky little bottom making her tiny framed tremble violently.  He did it again, and again, and again in a steady rhythm that made waves of pain and pleasure crash over her.  Her tears flowed freely as she whimpered and chewed on the rug.  

           Lori didn’t know how long the brutal thrusting went on, but her throat was hoarse from yelping, her knees hurt, her arms felt like overcooked noodles, and her cheeks were rug burned and wet from her tears and her drool.  Despite the dull ache in her pussy, her body wanted more.  Clearly, so did Master.  Thankfully, his pace slowed and he became gentler.  His hands came off her now bruised hips and began to gently caress her tender little breasts—her muffins—sending new currents of electricity over her tiny, tired body.  Lori signed deeply, as his fingertips played with her sensitive skin.  Perhaps it wasn’t so awful—being mated.

           Master ran one hand down from her breast, across her trembling belly and down to her drenched pussy.  He rudely put his middle finger against her little clit causing Lori to stiffen as it stiffened.  Before her abduction, she’d only played with her “button” a few times—usually when she was thinking about her future wedding night.  Doing so almost felt too good, so she rarely did it.  Master was under no such constraints.  His worked his finger against her swollen clit in a slow, steady circle.  Again, Lori wished she could still talk so that she could beg him to stop.  She shook and whined, desperate to get away from him, but he easily kept her still and continued his relentless massage.  

           Lori humped against his cock as he continued to play with her.  She could feel something building inside of her.  She’d felt it before when she’d rub herself.  It was like riding a roller coaster, where she’d climb and climb and climb. Lori had never managed to get past the climbing part, but somehow she knew it would feel good to get to the top and come crashing back down!    

She was a panting, wet mess when both of his hands returned to her sore hips.  He held her still, and pulled his cock out of her leaving her spasmodically humping at the air. 

Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, but was in-fact merely thirty seconds, he asked calmly, “Does Muffins want a litter in her belly?”

           Lori, even through the haze of frustration and desire, froze.  She most certainly did not want a litter in her belly! Even if she did want such a thing, Master knew she couldn’t answer.  Why was he teasing her, especially now when she was so needy?  Her hips continued to gyrate almost independently of her.  Out of all the cruel and horrible things he had done to her, this was perhaps the most sadistic.      

“Well, if Muffins doesn’t want it…”  He said nonchalantly.  

           Lori couldn’t conceive of going another moment without him inside of her.  Her hips trembled more-violently and she whimpered more-pathetically than ever before.  But “Lori” couldn’t submit like that.  Lori didn’t want a litter in her belly.  Muffins did.  She couldn’t just play at a role any longer.  She had to become the role. 

           “Does Muffins want a litter in her belly?”  He repeated, seemingly immune to her charms and increasing need.  “Bark if you want it.”

           In that moment, Lori only knew that she needed it.  She needed it more than anything she had ever needed before.  She let out a hoarse, “Arf!”  

           “Oh, I think you can do better than that!” he teased and pressed the head of his cock against her before cruelly taking it away.

           Lori abandoned Lori.  

“Arf, arf, arf, arf!”  She barked pleadingly.  

           “Good girl!”  He praised and drove into her with the greatest speed and force she’d yet felt.  He pumped her faster and faster, all of her objections melting away as he took her with seemingly no consideration for her feelings.  She was climbing the rollercoaster again.  Up and up and up she went, higher than ever before.  Then he thrust into her depths and groaned loudly. In response, Lori pushed against him with as much force as her tiny body could muster.  She wanted as much of him inside of her as possible.  His gruff, animal-like noises triggered something inside of her and as he spurted thick, hot globs of his seed into her little, unprotected womb she felt something inside of her pop like a bubble.  Her hips bucked wildly as he emptied himself inside of her and new waves of pleasure and ecstasy flooded her.    

           Then the two of them were still.  The only sound in the room was the crackle of the fire and their respective heavy breathing.  He slowly pulled out of her sending painful and more pleasing sensations through her.

           Master swatted her on the bottom as he stood up, “Stay!” he commanded.  She whimpered weakly, but obeyed.  Her mind was awhirl, but she was too tired to think beyond the moment.  She knew one thing though.  Lori was gone.  


           Six months later, Muffins crawled by Master’s side on her usual morning walk.  She wanted to be a perky and playful little puppy girl for him, but she’d found that difficult in recent months.  With pregnancy swollen breasts and a belly she had to be far more demure on her walks than she had been.  There was a lot more socializing on her walks to make up for that though.  Other puppy girls they encountered would always sniff at her belly and give her a knowing look.   As embarrassing as it was to be in her state, because everyone knew what naughty things she’d been doing to get that way, she held her head up high as she crawled.

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