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Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Cynthia's Wedding Night


Cynthia’s Wedding Night:A Brentwood Story


Cynthia wrapped her slender arms around William’s sturdy neck as he carried her across the threshold of his beautiful, two-story home.  The normally reserved girl was giddy with delight at being a bride.  She giggled as her new husband’s coarse beard tickled her soft inner arms; and held on tighter as he spun her around the small, softly lit foyer giving her a view of her new home.  Like most Brentwood-raised girls, her whole life had led up to this moment.  After years of careful instruction by her mother, and more long years at finishing school she was finally a wife!

“Oh, William!”  She laughed breathlessly as her white skirts and long blond hair fluttered about.  “Stop!  I’m getting dizzy!”

            William stopped in mid-turn and looked at her with mock solemnity.  “Feeling dizzy?”  He asked.  “Well, then we best get you up to bed as soon as possible!”  He smiled devilishly, his white teeth shown through his black beard like a crescent moon in the darkest of night skies, and carried her towards the stairs with an eagerness Cynthia couldn’t help but notice. 

“Will—William!  I can walk!”  She insisted as she squirmed in his strong arms suddenly feeling slightly childish at being carried. It wasn’t just the embarrassment of being carried like a little girl that made Cynthia protest.  It was the mention of the word “bed” and all the connotations that came with that word on this night.      

             “I know you can walk, Cyn.”  William replied as he started up the dark red carpeted stairs.     

            William’s bedroom was a gentleman’s bedroom.  It was clean, but far more Spartan than to what Cynthia was accustomed.  There was a pair of dark wooden dressers bare of any knickknacks, a red overstuffed chair and a small wooden table with a crystal decanter, a glass, and a thick book resting on it.  A large four-post bed dominated the room.  Cynthia quickly diverted her eyes away from it to the large bay window that overlooked the street below.  She could just imagine arranging soft, fluffy pillows on the adjoined bench and spending her leisure time reading and looking out that window. 

            While his wife took in her new surroundings, William covertly locked the bedroom door, before slipping the key into his suit pocket.  It was a precaution all Brentwood gentlemen took no matter how exited and willing his bride may be.  Of course the idea that mild mannered Cynthia would put up a fight seemed almost absurd to him—almost.    

            Cynthia gave a start when she felt William’s hand on her bare shoulder.  He gently turned her around to face him.  “Welcome home, Mrs. Johnston.”

“Thank you…” Cynthia replied before looking down at the floor.  She was uncertain what she should say.  She would doubly unsure what “Mrs. Johnston” would say.      

After a few moments of uneasy silence William decided that he must take matters into his own hands or they’d be standing there for the entire night.  He was the husband after all!  He cleared his throat and asked, “Cynthia, did your mother by any chance talk to you about tonight?”

            Cynthia looked up at him quizzically.  Her mother had told her so much over the weeks leading up to the wedding that it was hard to focus on any one thing—especially after such a long and pleasantly exhausting day! 

“What do you mean?”  She asked.

            “I mean, did she explain to you about the wedding night?”

            Cynthia looked away and fidgeted uncomfortably with her lace handkerchief.  There was a great deal of mystery surrounding the wedding night.  Like most Brentwood girls, Cynthia had been kept innocent of any specifics.  She just knew that whatever it was that went on, no good girl was supposed to be aware of it!  Her normally pale cheeks were bright pink as she replied, “Why—the only thing she told me was that I needed to be on my best behavior tonight and to do whatever you tell me to do no matter what!”  Cynthia relaxed a bit, “Which is just silly!  You’re my husband.  Of course I’m going to obey you!”  She tittered.

            William laughed too—a deep, quiet chuckle.  “Well, you’ve certainly got the right attitude…Do you know what a husband and wife do on the wedding night?”

            Cynthia resumed fidgeting with her handkerchief.  She had heard a few whispers, but she was too embarrassed to talk about the innocent little details she knew.  After all, what would William think about her knowing such things? 

            He tilted her chin up and stared in to her big blue eyes, “Cynthia?”  He coaxed.    

            “Well…”  She began.  “I mean…I know that…” she glanced at the bed.  “I know that we’re going to sleep in the same bed…” she said hesitantly and then quickly added, “which I think is just scandalous!”  She didn’t really think it was that scandalous or shocking in the least.  Who didn’t know that husbands and wives shared a bedroom and a bed after all?  Her parents certainly did, and as far as she knew all of her friends’ parents did as well.  Yet, she was afraid to admit to knowing anything at all.      

            William smiled to himself.  She was so innocent and so unlike him.  Brentwood men, unlike Brentwood girls, were very well-informed on the facts of life. Furthermore, they were all encouraged to practice the “act” as much as they liked on the lower-ranked females of the community.  William was no exception.          

            “Oh, yes, we’ll be sleeping in the same bed.”  He agreed.  “Is there anything else?”

             “Are you…” She started.  “Well…you’re not going to try to look at me when I’m just wearing my nightgown are you?” 

            So innocent,” William thought.  There was a slight feeling of guilt mixing with his mounting desire.   “Don’t worry, Cyn.  I won’t be seeing your nightgown tonight.”  He paused, realizing how wolfish he sounded.  “Well, there is a little more to it than that…”  Seeing that Cynthia looked worried he added, “Don’t worry, sweetheart.  Just remember what your mother did tell you and you’ll come through tonight just fine!”

            Cynthia nodded, “Yes, sir!”  She said cheerfully though she wondered what it was that was going to have “come through.” 

              “Good.  Now, I want you to take off your dress and put it over the chair.”  William commanded as casually as if he had asked her to open a window or fetch him a drink.      

            Cynthia gave a start and stared at him wide-eyed.  Surely she misheard him!  “What?”  She asked, trying not to sound as shocked as she felt.   

             “Do not make me repeat myself, wife.”  He said, not harshly, but firmly.  It was uncharacteristic for him to be so stern with her, but William knew that a young wife such as she needed a firm hand and it was his duty to give it to her.  Beyond the duty of it, there was a part of him that enjoyed commanding her.  He’d spent their courtship being polite and entertaining her, now it was her turn to entertain him.  It was only fair after all!      

            “No!”  Cynthia spat.  Her pretty, little face twisted with incredulity as she took several uncertain steps back.

            William sighed and said, “Remember what your mother told you, remember…”

            “My mother could not have meant that!”  Cynthia cried as she stepped back and positioned the small table between her and her advancing husband.

            William casually followed her around the table.  Cynthia eyed him warily and continued to mince around the table staying just out of his reach.

            “This isn’t a game, girl.”  He said as he tried not to smile.  It did feel a bit like a game—to him anyway.  “If you don’t obey, I’ll have to punish you.”

            “Punish me?”  Cynthia faltered and nearly tripped.  “I’m a married woman!  You’re not my father!  You can’t punish me!”  She scoffed.  Yet, Cynthia knew full well that husband’s punished wives.  She’d seen it many times at gatherings and public places.  A woman, it didn’t matter if she was eighteen or fifty, would act out and be led away by her husband to private spots usually reserved for just such a purpose.  Cynthia’s father had never punished her with more than an occasional, quick, light verbal reprimand.  The poor girl had the impression that whatever William intended to do would be much more severe than a few strong words! 


            William continued a few more steps around the table and then switched directions.  Cynthia, as tightly coiled as a new bedspring, tried to reverse too, but tripped over her heels and her long skirts.  William was immediately upon her.  He grabbed hold of her elbow preventing her fall and trapping her in one smooth motion.  Cynthia pulled back against his encircling hand—his grip tight, but not painful. 

            “Let me go!  Let me go!”  Cynthia cried while slapping his hand feebly.  For a girl who had been raised to be submissive and docile to men this was like a full blown rebellion.     

            William tried to keep a blank expression as he pulled the chair over to them with his free hand.  He knew that he must not appear to be enjoying the whole affair.  He sat down and yanked tiny Cynthia over his lap.  Cynthia kicked and struggled with frustration, but could not escape. 

            “Let me go!”  She cried again. “What are you doing?  Let me up!” 

            “Be still.”  He ordered.  His excitement grew as his bride squirmed against his lap, but he tried to put it out of his mind. 

            “Never!  Let me go, you beast!”  She snarled.    

            William yanked her arm behind her back, not enough to injure her, but the jolt certainly got her attention.

            “Ow!”  Cynthia whined.  “That hurts!  Let me up!”

            With his free hand William began to gather her voluminous, white satin skirts and started to raise them.  His calm, determined movements soon revealed Cynthia’s slender ankles clad in white silk stockings. 

            “What are you doing?”  Cynthia demanded, kicking her legs in frustration. 

            William pulled her skirts past her willowy calves. 

            “Wait!”  Cynthia cried, realizing that this advance wasn’t going to stop.  “You can’t!  No!” 

            William lifted the white fabric still higher exposing Cynthia’s slim thighs and the tops of her white, silk stockings.   

            “Stop!”  Cynthia yelled her panic rising along with her skirts. 

            At last he drove her skirts over her upturned bottom and pinned the bunched cloth under her arm and his.

            “No!”  She cried out as she felt the cool night breeze against the bare skin between her stockings and her satin panties.  Cynthia’s mind raced.  He could see everything!  When her mother had helped her into her panties that morning after her bath, she was so proud to finally be allowed to wear something cute and grown-up instead of frumpy white cotton underpants like all unmarried girls did.  Never once did she think that William would be seeing her “grown up panties.”    

            “Cynthia.”  His commanding voice cut into her and shook her from her thoughts.  “I will not mince words with you.  You are my wife and I love you, but I will not tolerate disobedience from you.  If you’d acted like a woman instead of like a spoiled, little girl and obeyed, you’d already be enjoying all that this night has to offer.  Since you didn’t, I’m going to do what your daddy should have been doing for the last eighteen years.  I’m going to spank you.”   

            Cynthia’s was dumbstruck.  He couldn’t possibly intend to—to beat her!  Then she felt his fingers hook into the waistband of her panties.  His smooth fingernails brushed the top of her bottom sending a shiver through her little body as he worked her panties down.

            “No!”  She screamed and began to kick again.  “No!  Don’t!”   

“If I have to do this three times a day for the next year I will do it if it will teach you to mind.”  He explained calmly as her milky white bottom came into view.  As hard as it was, William took no time to admire his bride as he pulled the flimsy satin down to her knees.  He reminded himself that there would be time enough for that after he’d taken care of business! 

“Stop!”  Cynthia demanded.  “Stop I said!  Sto—”

William cut her demands short by tightening his grip on her arm and bringing his other hand down on her peach-like bottom.  There was a tremendous crack as his large calloused hand connected with her smooth, ivory flesh.  Cynthia’s words were stifled in her throat for a moment as the sting registered.  Before she could fully process, William brought his hand down again with another loud smack. 

Cynthia cried out as tears came to her eyes, but her anger came roaring back.  “Let me go!  Let me go!  I—I’ll scratch your eyes out!”  She kicked with all her might.  “I’ll—” She was cut short again by William’ hand coming crashing down on her unprotected backside.

“Stop!”  Cynthia quavered.  “I—”

William began the spanking in earnest.  His hand rose and fell on her backside with the precision and regularity of a machine.  After a mere thirty seconds Cynthia’s tears began to fall down her pale cheeks. 

“No!  No!” she managed to plead in between her grunts and cries.  Her begging ignored and her attempts to escape thwarted, Cynthia cried loudly and kicked her legs with such frenzy she soon launched her heels across the room.  Unperturbed by her display, or by one of Cynthia’s dainty, white shoes nearly striking him as it sailed through the air, William held firm and continued administering discipline.

The spanking continued for long minutes.  “Please!”  Cynthia blubbered.  “Please!  I—I’m sorry!  I’m sorry!  I’ll be a good girl!  I’ll obey!  I—I’ll do whatever you want!  Just stop!  Stop!  Please!”  She screamed nearly delirious with pain and humiliation. 

She didn’t know if William stopped because of her pleading, or because he’d simply decided she’d had enough, but after just a few more stinging swats, his assault ceased and he released her arm.  Once freed, Cynthia leapt from his lap and comically danced about as she tried to rub the burning away.  William repressed a smile at the sight of his tearful, little wife’s silly display.  This was not the time to be amused, he reminded himself again.  He stood up and re-acquired Cynthia’s elbow and marched her towards a bare corner of the room.  Though she was confused, Cynthia didn’t dare question him and instead dutifully complied though she struggled to keep up with her panties around her ankles.   Once at the corner, William angled her to face it.  Then he raised her skirts above her waist, exposing her now bright red bottom.  He thrust the bunched fabric into her small trembling hands and told her to hold her skirts up.  Then he placed the he placed the back of his hand on her head and pressed her nose to the corner. 

“You will not move from this position until I tell you to.”  His tone said to her that there was no arguing with him.  “I want you to calm down and think about your behavior.”

There was an uncomfortable pause as if he was waiting for her to say something. 

“Oh!  Yes, sir!”   Cynthia squeaked, her voice slightly nasally from having her nose pressed so firmly to the wall.

William congratulated himself as he sat back down in the chair.  He’d managed to conquer the savage beast within himself and discipline his wife in a proper and business-like manner.  After only a few moments, however, the feeling faded and he wondered what he should do to pass the time.  Cynthia sobbed from the corner.  His eyes darted up towards her trembling, elfin form.  Her reddened, perky little bottom practically glowed against the milky white skin of her thighs and the ivory skirts of her wedding dress.  He felt his pants tightening as he looked at her.  It had only been a few minutes since he’d put her there and already he was weary of waiting.  It had seemed like a good idea to make her hold her skirts above her waist while in the corner.  After all, a little embarrassment, he’d been told by married relatives of either sex, could go a long way towards correcting a young wife’s behavior.  Knowing how shy and modest Cynthia was, it most-likely did make a great impression on her, but for William it was almost as if she was innocently taunting him. 

Cynthia felt like she had been standing in the corner for ages when it had only been perhaps ten minutes.  Her tear streaked face was warm from her breath and her exposed backside still burned.  She must have been such a sight!  Cynthia shuddered at the thought.  What must William think of her?  What would her mother think of her?        

She was saved from her thoughts by William’s voice telling her, “You may leave the corner and redress.”

Cynthia didn’t need to be told twice.  She struggled with all the fabric as she pulled her panties back up.  She was still embarrassed beyond all belief, but at least she was dressed again! 

“Come here.”  He said when she’d finished.

Without her heels, Cynthia’s long skirts dragged as she padded towards him in her stocking feet. 

William stood up.  He was already so much taller than her.  Without her shoes he positively towered over her. 

“Do you understand why I spanked you, Cynthia?” 

She blushed, “Because…because I didn’t obey?”

“You don’t sound very sure.”

“It’s because I didn’t obey.”  She said more confidently.  “But…”


“But…but I shouldn’t have had to obey!”  Cynthia insisted.

“Oh?  And why is that?”

She thought for a moment, choosing her words carefully, “Because what you were asking me to do was sinful and—and dirty!” 

 William chuckled at her heartfelt confession, “Cynthia, honey, I want you to take to this to heart.  It’s not for you to think about what’s ‘sinful’ or ‘dirty’ you just need to obey.  If I tell you to do something, then you do it.” 

She started to speak but he tapped her parted lips with his index finger and continued.  “Secondly, it’s certainly not sinful or dirty to undress in front of your husband.  You belong to me and if I want to see you I have every right whenever I want, however I want and for however long I want, do you understand?”

Cynthia bit her lower lip.  She wanted to tell him no, but the memory of her recent spanking made her to hesitate. 

Finally, she simply said, “Yes, sir, I understand.”

He smiled, “Good, now where were we before that little tantrum?” 


Cynthia looked at William with pleading eyes, “I understand that I need to obey, but…but please don’t make me do this!” 

“Why not?”   

“I—I’ll die if you see me without my dress!” She whined.    

“Cynthia, no girl ever died from being seen without her dress.  Now, no more of this nonsense, do as I say or we’ll have to repeat the lesson!”

Cynthia stood awkwardly in front of him for long seconds—her cheeks red with embarrassment and her eyes downcast.

“Well?”  William asked.

“I can’t, sir!” 

“Oh, Cynthia, I was warned about marrying a girl so young…”  He let out a weary sign and reached out for her.  The initial lesson had been fun to administer, but it was hard enough to have controlled himself the first time.  He wasn’t sure he could deliver another spanking and resist taking her in the middle of it—if he could even wait that long. 

“No!”  She said quickly.  “I mean—I mean I can’t because I can’t reach the buttons!”  She motioned to the back of her dress. 

“Oh!”  William smiled.  “I suppose I can help you then.  Come here.”  He took her narrow shoulders in his hands and turned her around.

Cynthia inhaled sharply as she felt his fingers fiddle with the top button of her wedding gown.  The first button popped in the still atmosphere of the room, then the second, then the third. 
            On the fourth button William asked, “If you didn’t think you were supposed to undress in front of me, how were you intending to get out of this dress, Mrs. Johnston?”

Cynthia laughed nervously, “I—uh—I hadn’t really thought about it, sir!” 

Another button popped, and another and another.  Cynthia felt the dress begin to fall.  She raised her hands and trapped it to her chest. 

“Cynthia.”  William admonished her.

“Sorry, sir!”  She squeaked and reluctantly let go with a tiny sigh. 

The white satin dress flowed down her like an avalanche and heaped around her dainty, stocking feet. 

 “Turn around.”  He ordered. 

“I don’t suppose you’d consider closing your eyes?”  Cynthia teased half-seriously. 

“Turn around.”  He repeated. 

Cynthia took a deep breath and slowly did as she was told.  She was only halfway turned when her skinny arms came up, seemingly of their own volition, and crossed over her pert little breasts. 

            William took all of her in through his eyes.  His bride was lovely.  She reminded him of a delicate porcelain doll.    

            “Put your arms down.”  William ordered.  He hoped his voice was even.  He could no longer tell with the blood rushing in his ears.

            Cynthia looked up at him.  Her eyes were wide and entreating. 

            “Stop being so modest, Cynthia!”  He smirked at her.  “I’ve already seen you in a bathing suit.  You’re more covered now than you were then!”

            “This is different!”  She insisted.  “I—I’ve never been in my underwear in front of a man before!” 

            “Do I need to help you again?”  He asked, not meaning for his question to sound like a threat. 

            Cynthia pressed her lips together thoughtfully and then nodded.  “It would be easier for me if you did it, sir,” she admitted.      

            William gently took her wrists and moved her hands to her sides and then looked her over.  Cynthia was dressed in only a white, lace-trimmed bustier, matching panties and a similarly lace embellished garter belt which held up white silk stockings.  The bustier cinched her already slim waist and pressed her tiny, alabaster breasts together giving her the appearance of having a larger chest.  Her cleavage was a pleasant and inviting illusion, however! 

            Cynthia had thought the same thing when she’d first tried on the bustier at the lingerie store a month before the wedding and saw her reflection in the changing room mirror.  Much like her panties, it was a far cry from the dull, frumpy white cotton bras she’d worn up till then.  She’d even gone so far as to remark to her mother with a pleased and bewildered look on her face, “I have cleavage!”  After which her mother shushed her with a smile.

            “You’re beautiful,” William said as he gently rested his hands on her hips.  

            Cynthia felt like she was going to melt in his arms.  She’d never thought of herself as beautiful or even pretty.  She was at best “cute” and even that didn’t seem plausible to her.  Still, she trusted William’ opinion over hers.  After all, while she wasn’t supposed to know, she like all girls and women of Brentwood knew that gentlemen had a great deal of experience with women prior to marriage, so he certainly would have plenty of other girls to compare her to!

            William wasn’t sure he could control himself much longer.  True, he had women before, many with much greater endowments, but Cynthia was his wife, his property and he could do with her as he liked.  Without a word he turned Cynthia back around and started undoing the hooks on the back of her bustier. 

            “Wait!”  Cynthia cried, feeling like she was suddenly caught in a violent current without knowing how to swim.  “Wait I—”

            “No.”  William said.  His stern tone had returned.  

             Cynthia felt the confining garment come away from her warm, supple skin.  Despite her fear rising with each hook William unfastened she found that she was at least able to breathe easier.  She found herself chewing on the finger tips of her bridal gloves nervously until finally the last hook popped and her bustier was drawn away from her and placed over the nearby chair.  Cynthia’s skinny arms came up again to cover her perky, now-bare breasts.  Embarrassingly, the cool night air made her point.  Cynthia’s pink nipples were sensitive as her arms brushed them making her squirm a bit as she waited for William to inevitably push her further. 

             William ran his finger down the back of her garter belt, and then slipped them between her garter and her skin.  Cynthia shivered as she felt his fingers brushing against the especially tender skin right under the curve of her bottom.  “William, I—” She gasped shakily, her hips wiggling. 

            William smiled wickedly and snapped the garter making Cynthia squeak.  Then he reached up to unfasten the belt.  Her white silk stockings rolled down her legs effortlessly.  Cynthia awkwardly stood on one foot and then the other as William pulled each stocking off and set them over the chair. 

            “Now you can be embarrassed.”  William remarked as he looked at his wife’s narrow bare back.  Her shoulder blades stuck out slightly as she shifted uncomfortably under his gaze wearing only her “grownup panties” and her gloves.  The redness from her recent spanking glowed through the thin, white satin hugging her slight curves. 

            “What do you mean?”  She asked, suddenly feeling brave enough to look over her shoulder at him.

            “Now you’re in less than a bathing suit!”  He smirked.

            Cynthia laughed nervously and then looked forward again.  She had to keep reminding herself that being undressed like this in front of William was okay.  For the moment she was grateful that the warm sting on her bottom helped her to remember not to fight him. 

            “Do you suppose you can manage taking off your own gloves?”  William asked.

            Cynthia nodded, “Yes, sir.  I think I can manage that!”  She replied. 

            As Cynthia laid the gloves over the chair, William reached out with both hands and hooked his fingers into her panties.  He’d taken them down not even a full hour before and had gotten a good look at her during the spanking, but this was different.  The soft material floated down her warmed, crimson behind.  William felt momentarily guilty.  Perhaps he had been too hard on her.  After all, she was very young and this was her first experience with anything remotely sexual in nature.  He quickly pushed his doubts aside as pulled her panties down to her ankles.  Kneeling next to her he ordered her to step out of them.  Cynthia raised one leg shyly, trying to keep her thighs together as she did.  Despite this, William’ nostrils caught a hint of Cynthia’s delicate and sweet, yet faintly sour, scent.

            Cynthia gasped as the cool, evening air tickled her freshly shaved womanhood.  Body hair, as her mother had told her, was unfeminine.  William could see everything and she knew it. 

“It’s perfectly alright!”  She reminded herself again and again.  His cool hands touched her warmed backside making her jump.  Slowly, he turned her around.  Cynthia took deep breaths, fearing that she might faint.  His hands were still on her hips when he’d finished turning her around.  She managed to look up and see his face for a moment before returning her gaze to the carpet.  He was studying her with seemingly great interest.  Part of her enjoyed that she enthralled him so much, but as the moments ticked by in silence, she finally blurted out, “Well…don’t you like me?” 

            William smiled at his young wife’s impulsiveness and her indelicacy.  “What makes you ask?”

            Her shyness returning, Cynthia sheepishly explained, “Well, it’s just you’re staring at me and…”

            “That should tell you that I like you.”  William playfully bopped her nose.  Then he reached up and started untying his tie.  “I suppose it’s only fair to give you a chance to stare too.” 


            Cynthia didn’t know what to do with her hands or where she should look while her husband undressed in front of her.  If she were to say that she wasn’t curious about what he looked like out of his suit, she would be lying, but she certainly didn’t want William to know that she so was curious! 

            William tossed his tie over the chair with his jacket and kicked his shoes and socks under it.  Then he started unbuttoning his white dress shirt.  Cynthia finally settled on clasping her hands together and resting them in front of her as she watched him in shy glances.  His wide, hairy, barrel chest came into view as parted the shirt.  It wasn’t as if she hadn’t seen him shirtless before.  At the beach when he was no doubt getting a good look at her figure, she’d seem him, but again it was different this time.  She wasn’t just watching a fine looking man; she was looking at her husband—and it wasn’t just his chest she was going to be seeing. 

            He tossed the shirt over the chair and unbuckled his belt.  Cynthia tensed—her heart beat rapidly in her little chest.  She was no longer able to hide her interest.  Her eyes were locked on his hands as he unbuttoned his pants.  The zipper came down slowly.  She wasn’t exactly sure what she was going to see.  All she knew was that whatever it was, she wanted to see it!  The pants dropped revealing his checkered boxer shorts and toned hairy legs.  He stepped out of them and dropped the over the chair.  Her eyes widened as she noticed the bulge at the front of his shorts and her lips parted.  Seeing Cynthia’s fixation, William grinned at he paused for a moment to tease her before unceremoniously pulling down his shorts. 

            Cynthia involuntarily gasped as she saw William’s thick, long cock.  She stared for long seconds unsure of the feelings that seeing it was giving her.  Then she quickly covered her eyes and looked away with a shocked, “Oh!”  But it was too late for her to act so shocked and both of them knew it. 

William could see her healthy curiosity and eagerness plainly.  He embraced her and cradled her cheek against his chest as he played with her hair.  His member hardened as it pressed against the top of her soft-skinned belly.  “It’s alright,” he whispered in her ear.  “It’s okay for me to look at you when I please.  It’s okay for you to look at me when I please.”

            “Really?”  She asked looking up at him and wiggling a bit against him. 

            He nodded and then bent down and kissed her as strong arms encircled her wispy frame and crushed her to him.  All the pent up feelings he’d been forced to repress during their courtship, the wedding, and finally throughout his wife’s first punishment suddenly surged to the surface all at once.  His lips moved rapidly against hers and forced her mouth to open as he thrust his tongue into her mouth. 

Cynthia mewled a bit in shock, but did not fight him as his large hands roamed up her body to her pert breasts.  He squeezed them as if he were testing fruit for ripeness.  Cynthia pushed her little chest against his groping hands as her breasts swelled with desire.  It wasn’t enough just to surrender to him, she wanted to give herself to him as completely as she could.  His thumbs brushed her sensitive pink nipples making them harden and point as his tongue continued to explore and probe her warm mouth.  Cynthia found herself growing wet and slick as William’s hands and mouth continued to work.  A need developed—a terrible need that started in her belly and spread down to her moistening slit like a wildfire across untouched wilderness.  Cynthia went up on her toes and pressed her belly into William’s stiff manhood as the need between her legs only increased. 

William, still kissing Cynthia’s soft lips and caressing her curves, maneuvered her to the bed.  Once there he tore back the blanket and the sheet and lay her down.  Panting and red faced, with her glistening treasure between her legs, and a hungry look in her eyes, his little wife was a world apart from where she’d been when they entered the room less than two hours before.  It was time to complete the transformation. 

As William slid in bed next to her, Cynthia drew the sheets up to her breasts and pulled away, “Wait—I—I—”   She stammered breathlessly as she realized what was about to happen.  Everything was moving so quickly all of a sudden.

William was long past being deterred by any lingering prudishness or his little wife’s feminine indecision.  Ripping the sheet away, he pulled her back to him.  Once he’d returned his bride back to the middle of the bed, he took one of the pillows from behind her head, pulled her up by one ankle and rudely shoved it under her butt.  Cynthia was visibly confused, but he couldn’t spare the time to explain himself as he spread her legs. Cynthia’s fragrance drifted up from her moist sex to William’s delight and to her shame. 

Cynthia tried to close her legs, but William swatted her on her thigh making her yelp.  “Whenever I want and however I want…”  He reminded her.  Cynthia looked away.  Even in her heat, she was so embarrassed of him looking at her most private place like this.  Then she felt his thick fingers against her already slick, pink lips.  Her hips jumped to meet his touch quite independently of her will. 

“Oh—oh my!”  She cried as she felt herself grinding awkwardly against him as he massaged her—still trying to find a rhythm as she lay back and closed her eyes.   

Then, just as quickly as he had started, he pulled his hands away.  Cynthia’s eyes snapped open and she looked at him outrage.  How could he have stopped?

William maneuvered himself between her legs.  He knew it was important to warm a virgin up thoroughly, and was pleased to see that she seemed to be ready.  The bulbous head of his cock touched her twitching entrance making him groan and Cynthia whimper.

“This will be much better than that ole finger!”  He joked. 

Her eyes were wide and pleading, “But I can’t—You’ll kill me with that—I—” She begged, now that she fully understood what was going to happen next.   

William slid inside of her easily at first.  Despite her small size and virginal tightness, Cynthia was sopping wet, which aided the process.  Her tiny hands went to his hips as her face twisted in distress.

“No!”  She cried out.  “You’re hurting me!  You’re hurting me!”

William grabbed her delicate wrists and pinned her hands above her head.  Once she was subdued he continued to invade her even as she shook her head and cried for him to stop. 

He shushed her, “Relax, Cyn.  I know it’s hard.  Relax.”    

            Cynthia was anything but relaxed as she thrashed about shaking her head as she cried.  She felt as if he was splitting her in half as he continued to slowly, but relentlessly enter her.  William paused when he pressed against Cynthia’s hymen.  He tightened his grip on her wrists and pressed his lips against her hers to silence her protests.  He pulled nearly all the way out of her and then drove back into her as hard as he could. 

Cynthia screamed so loudly that surely half of Brentwood knew that William had just made her a woman at that moment.  Then William began to take her in earnest with a steady, rough rhythm.  Each thrust renewed his claim over her.  As he did, the need between her legs returned and she found herself bucking her hips back at him.  Despite the pain, her hungry little opening pleaded for more of him. 

Finally, the two of them had found their rhythm.  Their hips moved in perfect unison to the sound of his grunts and her squeals.  Finally, William let out a low groaned as he buried himself inside of his wife to the hilt and filled her with his seed.  Cynthia felt the hot, sticky rush inside of her as she cried out in response.  

Moments later they lay together in the dark.  William cradled Cynthia against him with her head on his chest.  She was his now, he thought sleepily as he stroked her arm his thumb.  Cynthia was just as contented.  The rise and fall of his chest calmed her.  She was his now, she thought as she drifted off to sleep.    


  1. Very good story, you should continue the adventures of William and Cynthia and how he trains up his new bride to serve and please him. When will he begin to use her for anal and oral sex? When will he get her pregnant? Will contraception even be on the table for William or will he take and impregnate his wife when it pleases him? Please continue this story...

    1. Thank you for the feedback, Anonymous! I was actually just re-reading the story the other day and thinking that I could continue it. I was thinking of a series of vignettes that would each focus on different firsts for the newlyweds. Any thoughts on that?

    2. Thanks for your interest, a series of vignettes would be best because there isn't really much plot here and that's hardly the point of the story. How about the following ideas:
      1. The morning after their wedding night they wake up together and enjoy gentler and slower love making. The whole thing would be underscored by the power-dynamics at play, William believes Cynthia is his personal property and she expects that, he views her as something to enjoy and use but she enjoys it and has been raised to be happy with making her man happy. He makes it clear that he will be getting her pregnant as soon as possible, he decides within himself that she doesn't need to know about birth control. There could be an interesting dynamic to explore in him having full power over Cynthia getting pregnant. He
      2. Some vignettes about their domestic life like dinner and recreation, how she serves him dinner and rubs his shoulders when he is stressed from work. He could also prohibit her from wearing bras and panties for ease of access over her protests and insists they sleep naked together every night.
      3. They go out for a walk in a park and William needs some relief, so he takes her to a secluded area and bends her over a table or rock and fucks her doggy style. She resists and protests but William takes what he wants and cums inside her. They walk home with his sperm trickling down the inside of her leg. She is grossly embarrassed but also thrilled by the naughtiness of this.
      4. One day William comes home from work stressed and angry so Cynthia draws him to bed to relief his stress. He pins her down under him and tells her she'll bear him a dozen children whether she likes it or not. She responds by offering up a passionate kiss. Sex is rough and she doesn't enjoy it but is satisfied when she sees William is much happier and less stressed from using her. He doesn't let her clean his cum out of her.

    3. 5. Cynthia wakes up in the middle of the night to find William lazily rubbing his cock against her pussy ready to enter her from behind. She tries to wiggle away but William gently holds her by the throat to make her comply while he slips inside her and wraps his other arm around her arms and belly, pinning her in place. They say nothing as he begins using her for his own release, just grunting and moaning. She feels enraptured when she remembers from the arm over her belly that she will be a mother from all this and lets William lazily pump away and use her until he cums and falls asleep.
      6. William lets Cynthia ride him in cowgirl position and makes her orgasm repeatedly as a reward for her good work and submissiveness. She learns how to mount a cock and pleasure herself in this moment.
      7. William will not give Cynthia oral sex because he will not give pleasure, only take it. He tenderly teaches her to add fellatio to her skills. She is very timid and shy about it but gains confidence quickly and William ends up finishing in her mouth and she swallows eagerly.
      8. When she is heavily pregnant Cynthia can't give her husband all the sex he needs so he starts using prostitutes instead. She accepts this and William even brings one home for sex. He lets Cynthia watch and she enjoys watching William use a whore so wantonly, she also enjoys the feeling of powerless she feels from her husband taking another woman right in front of her.
      9. One day when William is about to go for work but has a few minutes to go so Cynthia gives him an unsolicited blowjob and becomes a romantic moment as he realises just how she is his dream woman in every way.
      10. After Cynthia has her first baby William doesn't want her pregnant straight away again but won't tell her when he will impregnate her again. He holds her down and fucks her only to pull out at the last moment and cum on her chest and face. Then he starts fucking her in the ass, it could be a long scene where he starts fingering her in the ass and has to pin her down. He ties her arms behind her back and slowly takes her ass. She protests and complains but soon submits to the bizarre sensations despite the pain of anal sex. Soon William is fucking her in the ass and mouth regularly between pregnancies.
      11. Skip forward ten years, they have had six children, William is graying somewhat but is still trim and fit, and Cynthia has grown into a plump curvy mother. As they go to bed he whispers to her that he wants another baby. She grins and lays back and spreads her legs. As William plows into her they embrace and kiss passionately and he releases his seed deep into his beloved property ready to make another child.

      Hope you find some of these suggestions useful!

    4. Hello again. These are some outstanding, not to mention tantalizing, suggestions, Anonymous! I'll see if I can get my mind back into the story and see where it leads after I'm finished with some current projects.

      In the meantime, feel free to offer your thoughts on some of my other stories if they suit your fancy. I always enjoy the feedback.


    5. This is a good storyline, is there a sequel?

    6. Hi other Anon,

      There may be a sequel some day. I think that this story still have some legs.

