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Saturday, October 24, 2020

What is Brentwood?


What is Brentwood?

            The Brentwood Society is many things to many people.  On its surface the community appears to be a prosperous, 1950s American, small town right out of a sitcom—with modern values of racial equality and environmentalism of course!  This blend of old and new is illustrative of Brentwood philosophy.  Rather than being blindly conservative or blindly progressive, the common wisdom is that it is best to look at the results of an action or a policy and to use that information as a guide for how to proceed.  


            This is the first of hopefully many journals that will describe the many facets of Brentwood life.  This journal will focus on the definitions of citizen, pre-citizen, and dependent. 

            Within its nearly 800 square miles, Brentwood is a community of around five thousand citizens and many more pre-citizens and dependents. 

A citizen is defined as a male who has graduated from the Brentwood trade school or university.  This is usually around the age of 22.  All citizens enjoy equal protection under the law, voting rights in elections, and property rights. 

A pre-citizen is defined as a male who has not yet completed a Brentwood trade school or university program.  Pre-citizens also enjoy equal protection under the law, but have no voting or property rights.    

A dependent is defined as a female.  Dependents have no protection under the law or rights of any kind.  They are categorized legally as property.  Most dependents are owned privately by citizens, but there is a percentage owned by the community for various purposes.     

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